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[solved] I ve been debited twice and still no access ( MIDDLE games 19.99)

Hello, as written in the title i paid for 19.99 content ( middle games CG), ive been debited twice and ive still no acces to it..... ehen though i received mail of confirmation (twice) Can you help me please?

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Réponse de Megin2309 sur le sujet [solved] I ve been debited twice and still no access ( MIDDLE games 19.99)

il y a 1 an 11 mois #37835
Low games * sry

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Réponse de rivaci sur le sujet [solved] I ve been debited twice and still no access ( MIDDLE games 19.99)

il y a 1 an 11 mois #37842
Hello Megin2309,
Your subscription should be now active.
You paid twice indeed, the second payment has been refunded.
Best regards

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