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Il valore atteso (EV)

Nel breve e medio termine, il fattore fortuna influenza i risultati.
È interessante ridurre al minimo il fattore fortuna ogni volta che è possibile.
L' Expected Value (EV) lo riduce.

  • Per tutti i pots without showdown, la fortuna non è misurabile. L'EV della mano è uguale al guadagno Netto della mano.
  • Per tutti i pots with showdown prima del river, le carte private dei giocatori sono conosciute, quindi le loro probabilità di vincita.
    Si considera che la mano si ferma e che il pot viene diviso in base alle probabilità di vincita di ogni giocatore.

Esempio :

  • Giocatore1 possiede 26.png 24.png e 6 € all'inizio della mano
  • Giocatore2 possiede 25.png 38.png e 5,25  all'inizio della mano
  • Il board è 22.png 20.png 27.png
  • Giocatore1 è all-in e Giocatore2 calls
  • Il pot è di 10 . Il rake è di 0,50 
  • Giocatore1 ha 44,1% di possibilità di vincere, si ritiene che vinca 4,41 
  • Giocatore2 ha 55,9 % di possibilità di vincere, si considera che vince 5,59 
  • Alla fine il Giocatore2 vince la mano :
    • Il netto del Giocatore1 è -5,25  (0  vinti per 5,25 investiti)
    • Il netto EV del Giocatore1 è di -0,84  (4,41  in teoria vinti per 5,25 investiti)
    • Il netto del Giocatore2 è di +4,75  (10  vinti per 5,25 investiti)
    • Il netto EV del Giocatore2 è di +0,34  (5,59  in teoria vinti per 5,25 investiti)

L'EV netto di una sessione è la somma degli EV netti delle sue mani.

La differenza tra Net e Net EV si chiama EV Diff, e riflette la fortuna e la sfortuna.


Net con (SD) e senza showdown (WSD)

Ci sono 2 tipi di mani :

  • mani in cui il giocatore era al showdown (SD, in inglese ShowDown,
    se ha le carte migliori, vince, altrimenti perde).
  • mani in cui il giocatore non era al showdown (WSD, in inglese Without ShowDown,
    se tutti gli altri giocatori fold, vince, altrimenti perde).

Net con showdown (Net SD) può essere un segno dei seguenti modelli :

  • L'abilità di migliorare i pots quando il giocatore ha la migliore mano
  • la capacità di individuare i bluff
  • una tendenza a essere drawing dead
  • la tendenza a tenere i pots troppo piccoli

Net without showdown (Net WSD) può essere un segno dei seguenti modelli :

  • la capacità di bluffare molto
  • the ability to bluff in big pots
  • una tendenza a lasciare i bluff
  • una tendenza a giocare troppo stretto


Net Vs Hero


Xeester calcola la parte della pila del Hero che finisce nella pila del giocatore, e la parte della pila del giocatore che finisce nella pila del Hero.

VsHero = importo investito dal Hero e vinto dal giocatore - importo investito dal giocatore e vinto dal Hero

Se vshero è positivo, il giocatore vince contro Hero.
Se vshero è negativo, il giocatore perde contro Hero.


ROI (Return On Investment)

Il ROI (Return On Investment) è una percentuale che indica il ritorno dell'investimento nei tornei.

Il calcolo è semplice:

ROI = Net gain *100 / (Buy-In + rebuys + addons)

Indice delle statistiche


Nickname   Player's nickname
Start of nickname   First 3 characters of the player's nickname
Number of hands   Number of hands
Number of blinds   Number of player's blinds at the end of the last hand.
M   M = Stack / (SB + BB + Antes)
Effective M   Effective M= (Stack / (SB + BB + Antes)) * (Players / 10)
W Won The percentage of hands the player won.
L Lost The percentage of hands the player lost.
bb/100   Average net blinds per 100 hands.
bb/100 EV   Average net blinds in Expected Value per 100 hands.
bb/100 SD   Average net blinds per 100 hands at showdown.
bb/100 WSD   Average net blinds per 100 hands without showdown.
bb/100 VsHero   Average net blinds sur the héro per 100 hands.
Net   Net of player
Net EV   Net in Expected Value.
Net SD   Net at showdown.
Net WSD   Net without showdown.
VsHero Net   Hero's net gain.
Net session   Net of session.


1st preflop action

VPIP Volontary Put money Into Pot Player invests money preflop.
PFR Preflop Raise Player raises preflop.
RFI Raise First In Player opens by raising preflop.
RFIe Raise First In Early Player opens with a raise preflop in early position (before the cut-off).
STL Steal Player opens with a raise preflop in late position (cut-off, button or small blind).
RLIMP Raise Limpers Player raises preflop after after one or several limpers.
Rsbl Raise at Small Blind Limp Player raises a limp of the small blind.
3B 3Bet Player 3Bets a raise preflop.
3Be 3Bet Early Raise Player 3bets a raise of an opponent in early position (before the cut-off).
3Bs 3Bet Steal Player 3Bets when raised by an opponent in late position (cut-off, button or small blind).
3Bsbr 3Bet at Small Blind Raise Player reraises a raise of the small blind.
SQZ Squeeze Player 3Bets a raise already called by someone else.
C4B Cold 4Bet Player 4Bets (player has not invested money yet).
OSH Open Shove Player is first to act and moves all-in.
OSHe Open Shove Early Player is first to act and moves all-in in early position (before the cut-off).
OSHl Open Shove Late Player is first to act and moves all-in in late position (cut-off, button or small blind).
R@OSH Raise at Open Shove Player raises preflop a player who is all-in and first to act.
R@OSHe Raise at Open Shove Early Player raises preflop a player who is all-in and first to act in early position (before the cut-off).
R@OSHl Raise at Open Shove Late Player raises preflop a player who is all-in and first to act in late position (cut-off, button or small blind).
PFC Preflop Call Player invests money preflop without raising.
OL Open Limp Player opens by calling the blind (limp) preflop.
OLe Open Limp Early Player opens by calling the blind (limp) preflop in early position (before the cut-off).
OLl Open Limp Late Player opens by calling the blind (limp) preflop in late position (cut-off, button or small blind).
2L Over Limp Player calls the blind (limp) preflop after one or several limpers.
CR Call Raise Player calls a raise preflop.
CRe Call Early Raise Player calls a raise of a opponent in early position (before cut-off) preflop.
CRs Call Steal Player calls a raise of an opponent in late position (cut-off, button or small blind) preflop.
Csbr Call at Small Blind Raise Player calls after a raise of the small blind.
2CR Over Call Player calls a raise already paid by someone else.
CC3B Cold Call 3Bet Player calls une reraise (3bet) (player has not invested money yet).
Chek Preflop Check Player checks preflop.
Chsbl Check at Small Blind Limp Player checks after a limp of the small blind.
C@OSH Call at Open Shove Player calls preflop a player who is all-in and first to act.
C@OSHe Call at Open Shove Early Player calls preflop a player who is all-in and first to act in early position (before the cut-off).
C@OSHl Call at Open Shove Late Player calls preflop a player who is all-in and first to act in late position (cut-off, button or small blind).
PFF Preflop Fold Player instantly folds preflop.
FR Fold at Raise Player folds on a raise preflop.
FRe Fold Early Raise Player folds on a raise from early positions (before the cut-off).
F@STL Fold at Steal Player folds on a raise from late positions (cut-off, button or small blind).
F@OSH Fold at Open Shove Player folds preflop when a player is all-in and first to act.
F@OSHe Fold at Open Shove Early Player folds preflop when a player is all-in and first to act in early position (before the cut-off).
F@OSHl Fold at Open Shove Late Player folds preflop when a player is all-in and first to act in late position (cut-off, button or small blind).

2d preflop action

4B 4Bet preflop Player 4Bets a 3bet (player raised preflop).
4BRg 4Bet Range Theoretical percentage of hands with which the player 4bets (percentage of real 4bet * percentage of preflop raise).
4Be 4Bet after raise first in early statistics.description.10
4Bs 4Bet after steal Player raises (4Bet) on a 3Bet (player raised in late position (cut-off, button or small blind)).
4Bl 4Bet after raised limpers Player raises (4Bet) on a 3Bet (player raised limpers).
5B 5 Bet preflop Player 5bets an opponent's 4bet (player made a 3bet preflop).
5Be 5Bet on early raiser Player 5bets when an opponent 4bets in early position (before the cut-off) (player has 3bet the opponent).
5Bs 5Bet on stealer Player 5Bets when an opponent 4bets in late position (cut-off, button or small blind) (player has 3bet the opponent).
5Bz 5Bet after squeeze Player 5Bets when an opponent 4bets him, after having squeezed.
OL/3B Open limp/3Bet Player 3Bets a raise after having limped preflop.
OLe/3B Open limp early/3Bet Player 3Bets a raise after having limped in early position (before the cut-off).
OLl/3B Open limp late/3Bet Player 3Bets a raise after having limped in late position (cut-off, button or small blind).
2L/3B Over limp/3Bet Player 3Bets a raise (player over-limped).
NYBR New York Back Raise Player 4Bets a squeeze after having paid a raise.
CRe/NY Call Early Raise/New York Back Raise Player 4Bets a 3Bet (player called a raise in early position (before the cut-off)).
CRl/NY Call Steal/New York Back Raise Player 4Bets a 3Bet (player called a raise in late position (cut-off, button or small blind)).
2CR/NY Over Call/New York Back Raise Player 4Bets a 3Bet (player called a raise already called by someone else).
C@3B Call at 3Bet Player calls a 3bet (player raised preflop).
C@3Be Call 3Bet after raise first in early Player calls a 3bet (player raised in early position (before the cut-off)).
C@3Bs Call 3Bet after steal Player calls a 3bet (player raised in late position (cut-off, button or small blind)).
C@3Bl Call 3Bet after raised limpers Player calls a 3bet (player raised limpers).
C@4B Call at 4Bet Players calls when an opponent 4bet him, after having 3bet (reraised) preflop.
C@4Be Call 4Bet on early raiser Player calls when the opponent 4bets in early position (before the cut-off) (player has 3bet the opponent).
C@4Bs Call 4Bet on stealer Player calls when an opponent 4bets in late position (cut-off, button or small blind) (player has 3bet the opponent).
C@4Bz Call 4Bet after squeeze Players calls when an opponent 4bets him, after having squeezed.
OL/C Open limp/Call Player calls a raise after having limped preflop.
OLe/C Open Limp early/Call Player calls a raise after having limped in early position (before the cut-off) preflop.
OLl/C Open Limp late/Call Player calls a raise after having limped in late position (cut-off, button or small blind) preflop.
CR/C3 Call Raise/Call 3Bet Players calls a squeeze after having called a raise.
CRe/C3 Call Early Raise/Call 3Bet Player calls a squeeze (player called a raise of an opponent in early position (before the cut-off)).
CRs/C3 Call Steal/Call 3Bet Player calls a squeeze (player called a raise of an opponent in late position (cut-off, button or small blind)).
2CR/C3 Over Call/Call 3Bet Player calls a squeeze (player called a raise already called by someone else).
2L/C Over Limp/Call Player calls a raise (player over-limped preflop).
F@4B Fold at 4Bet Player folds when an opponent 4bet him, after having 3bet (reraised) preflop.
F@3B Fold at 3Bet Player folds on a 3bet (player raised preflop).
F@3Be Fold at 3Bet after raise first in early Player folds on a 3bet (player raised in early position (before the cut-off)).
F@3Bl Fold at 3Bet after raised limpers Player folds on a 3Bet (player raised limpers).
F@3Bs Fold at 3Bet after steal Player folds on a 3bet (player raised in late position (cut-off, button or small blind)).
F@4Be Fold at 4Bet on early raiser Player folds when an opponent 4bets in early position (before the cut-off) (player has 3bet the opponent).
F@4Bs Fold at 4Bet on stealer Player folds when an opponent 4bets in late position (cut-off, button or small blind) (player has 3bet the opponent).
F@4Bz Fold at 4Bet after squeeze Player folds when an opponent the 4bet, after having squeezed.
OL/F Open limp/Fold Player folds on a raise after having limped preflop.
OLe/F Open Limp early/Fold Player folds on a raise after having limped in early position (before the cut-off) preflop.
OLl/F Open Limp late/Fold Player folds on a raise after having limped in late position (cut-off, button or small blind) preflop.
CR/F Call Raise/Fold Player folds a squeeze after having called a raise.
CRe/F Call Early Raise/Fold Player folds on a squeeze (player called a raise of an opponent in early position (before the cut-off)).
CRs/F Call Steal/Fold Player folds on a squeeze (player called a raise of an opponent in late position (cut-off, button or small blind)).
2CR/F Over Call/Fold Player folds on a squeeze (player called a raise already called by someone else).
2L/F Over Limp/Fold Player folds on a raise (player over-limped preflop).


All cases

A% Aggression Percentage The percentage of aggression postflop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%f Aggression Percentage Flop The percentage of aggression at the flop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%t Aggression Percentage Turn The percentage of aggression at the turn : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%r Aggression Percentage River The percentage of aggression at the river : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
AF Aggression Factor Aggression factor postflop : bets + raises / calls
AFf Aggression Factor Flop Aggression factor at the flop : bets + raises / calls
AFt Aggression Factor Turn Aggression factor at the turn : bets + raises / calls
AFr Aggression Factor River Aggression factor at the river : bets + raises / calls

Preflop raiser

A%(r) Aggression Percentage (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.The percentage of aggression postflop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%f(r) Aggression Percentage Flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.The percentage of aggression at the flop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%t(r) Aggression Percentage Turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.The percentage of aggression at the turn : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%r(r) Aggression Percentage River (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.The percentage of aggression at the river : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
AF(r) Aggression Factor (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Aggression factor postflop : bets + raises / calls
AFf(r) Aggression Factor Flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Aggression factor at the flop : bets + raises / calls
AFt(r) Aggression Factor Turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Aggression factor at the turn : bets + raises / calls
AFr(r) Aggression Factor River (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Aggression factor at the river : bets + raises / calls

3Better preflop

A%(3) Aggression Percentage (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.The percentage of aggression postflop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%f(3) Aggression Percentage Flop (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.The percentage of aggression at the flop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%t(3) Aggression Percentage Turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.The percentage of aggression at the turn : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%r(3) Aggression Percentage River (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.The percentage of aggression at the river : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
AF(3) Aggression Factor (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Aggression factor postflop : bets + raises / calls
AFf(3) Aggression Factor Flop (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Aggression factor at the flop : bets + raises / calls
AFt(3) Aggression Factor Turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Aggression factor at the turn : bets + raises / calls
AFr(3) Aggression Factor River (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Aggression factor at the river : bets + raises / calls

Calls in position preflop

A%(ci) Aggression Percentage (CIP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. The percentage of aggression postflop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%f(ci) Aggression Percentage Flop (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. The percentage of aggression at the flop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%t(ci) Aggression Percentage Turn (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. The percentage of aggression at the turn : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%r(ci) Aggression Percentage River (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. The percentage of aggression at the river : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
AF(ci) Aggression Factor (CIP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Aggression factor postflop : bets + raises / calls
AFf(ci) Aggression Factor Flop (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Aggression factor at the flop : bets + raises / calls
AFt(ci) Aggression Factor Turn (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Aggression factor at the turn : bets + raises / calls
AFr(ci) Aggression Factor River (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Aggression factor at the river : bets + raises / calls

Calls a 3Bet in position preflop

A%(ci3) Aggression Percentage (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.The percentage of aggression postflop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%f(ci3) Aggression Percentage Flop (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.The percentage of aggression at the flop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%t(ci3) Aggression Percentage Turn (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.The percentage of aggression at the turn : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%r(ci3) Aggression Percentage River (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.The percentage of aggression at the river : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
AF(ci3) Aggression Factor (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Aggression factor postflop : bets + raises / calls
AFf(ci3) Aggression Factor Flop (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Aggression factor at the flop : bets + raises / calls
AFt(ci3) Aggression Factor Turn (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Aggression factor at the turn : bets + raises / calls
AFr(ci3) Aggression Factor River (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Aggression factor at the river : bets + raises / calls

Calls out of position preflop

A%(co) Aggression Percentage (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.The percentage of aggression postflop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%f(co) Aggression Percentage Flop (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.The percentage of aggression at the flop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%t(co) Aggression Percentage Turn (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.The percentage of aggression at the turn : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%r(co) Aggression Percentage River (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.The percentage of aggression at the river : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
AF(co) Aggression Factor (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Aggression factor postflop : bets + raises / calls
AFf(co) Aggression Factor Flop (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Aggression factor at the flop : bets + raises / calls
AFt(co) Aggression Factor Turn (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Aggression factor at the turn : bets + raises / calls
AFr(co) Aggression Factor River (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Aggression factor at the river : bets + raises / calls

Calls a 3Bet out of position preflop

A%(co3) Aggression Percentage (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. The percentage of aggression postflop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%f(co3) Aggression Percentage Flop (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. The percentage of aggression at the flop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%t(co3) Aggression Percentage Turn (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. The percentage of aggression at the turn : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%r(co3) Aggression Percentage River (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. The percentage of aggression at the river : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
AF(co3) Aggression Factor (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Aggression factor postflop : bets + raises / calls
AFf(co3) Aggression Factor Flop (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Aggression factor at the flop : bets + raises / calls
AFt(co3) Aggression Factor Turn (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Aggression factor at the turn : bets + raises / calls
AFr(co3) Aggression Factor River (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Aggression factor at the river : bets + raises / calls

Limped pots preflop

A%(n) Aggression Percentage (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.The percentage of aggression postflop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%f(n) Aggression Percentage Flop (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.The percentage of aggression at the flop : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%t(n) Aggression Percentage Turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.The percentage of aggression at the turn : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
A%r(n) Aggression Percentage River (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.The percentage of aggression at the river : 100 * bets and raises / bets, raises, calls, checks, folds
AF(n) Aggression Factor (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Aggression factor postflop : bets + raises / calls
AFf(n) Aggression Factor Flop (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Aggression factor at the flop : bets + raises / calls
AFt(n) Aggression Factor Turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Aggression factor at the turn : bets + raises / calls
AFr(n) Aggression Factor River (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Aggression factor at the river : bets + raises / calls


All cases

CBf Continuation Bet flop Player makes a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop continues to bet), at the flop.
R@CBf Raise at CBet flop Player raises a continuation bet at the flop.
DKf Donk Bet flop Player bets out of position at the flop after having called a raise preflop.
!CBf Not Continuation Bet flop Player does not make a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop checks), at the flop.
C@CBf Call at CBet flop Players calls a continuation bet at the flop.
!DKf Not Donk Bet flop Player check out of position at the flop after having called a raise preflop.
F@CBf Fold at CBet flop Player folds a continuation bet at the flop.
CB/Ff CBet And Fold Raise flop Player folds on a raise after having made a continuation bet at the flop.

Preflop raiser

CBf(r) Continuation Bet flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop continues to bet), at the flop.
CBipf(r) Continuation Bet In Position flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a continuation bet at the flop (intial raiser preflop continues to bet at the flop) en position.
CBoopf(r) Continuation Bet Out Of Position flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop continues to bet at the flop) out of position.
CB/3Bf(r) CBet And 3Bet flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player 3bets a raise (player made a continuation bet), at the flop.
!CB/Rf(r) Not CBet And Raise flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player raises (player did not make a continuation bet), at the flop.
R@DKf(r) Raise at Donk Bet flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player raises a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the flop.
CB/Cf(r) CBet And Call Raise flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player calls a raise (player made a continuation bet), at the flop.
C@DKf(r) Call Donk Bet flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Players calls a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the flop.
!CB/Cf(r) Not CBet And Call flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player calls (player did not make a continuation bet), at the flop.
!CBf(r) Not Continuation Bet flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop checks), at the flop.
!CBipf(r) Not Continuation Bet In Position flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop checks at the flop) in position.
!CBoopf(r) Not Continuation Bet Out Of Position flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop checks at the flop) out of position.
F@DKf(r) Fold at Donk Bet flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the flop.
CB/Ff(r) CBet And Fold Raise flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on a raise (player made a continuation bet), at the flop.
!CB/Ff(r) Not CBet And Fold flop (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on a bet after not having made a continuation bet at the flop.

3Better preflop

CBf(3) Continuation Bet flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop continues to bet), at the flop.
CBipf(3) Continuation Bet In Position flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop continues to bet at the flop) in position.
CBoopf(3) Continuation Bet Out Of Position flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop continues to bet at the flop) out of position.
CB/3Bf(3) CBet And 3Bet flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player 3bets a raise (player made a continuation bet), at the flop.
!CB/Rf(3) Not CBet And Raise flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player raises (player did not make a continuation bet), at the flop.
R@DKf(3) Raise at Donk Bet flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player raises a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the flop.
CB/Cf(3) CBet And Call Raise flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player calls a raise (player made a continuation bet), at the flop.
C@DKf(3) Call Donk Bet flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Players calls a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the flop.
!CB/Cf(3) Not CBet And Call flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player calls a bet (player did not make a continuation bet), at the flop.
!CBf(3) Not Continuation Bet flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop checks), at the flop.
!CBipf(3) Not Continuation Bet In Position flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop checks at the flop) in position.
!CBoopf(3) Not Continuation Bet Out Of Position flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a continuation bet at the flop (initial raiser preflop checks at the flop) out of position.
F@DKf(3) Fold at Donk Bet flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the flop.
CB/Ff(3) CBet And Fold Raise flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on a raise (player made a continuation bet), at the flop.
!CB/Ff(3) Not CBet And Fold flop (3Bet) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on a bet (player did not make a continuation bet), at the flop.

Calls in position preflop

R@CBf(ci) Raise at CBet flop (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player raises a continuation bet at the flop.
Lf(ci) Lead flop (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player bets when the opponent did not make a continuation bet.
C@CBf(ci) Call at CBet flop (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player calls a continuation bet at the flop.
!Lf(ci) Not Lead flop (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player checks when the opponent did not make a continuation bet.
F@CBf(ci) Fold at CBet flop (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player folds on a continuation bet at the flop.

Calls a 3Bet in position preflop

R@CBf(ci3) Raise at CBet flop (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player raises a continuation bet at the flop.
Lf(ci3) Lead flop (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player bets when the opponent did not make a continuation bet.
C@CBf(ci3) Call at CBet flop (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player calls a continuation bet at the flop.
!Lf(ci3) Not Lead flop (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player checks when the opponent did not make a continuation bet.
F@CBf(ci3) Fold at CBet flop (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player folds on a continuation bet at the flop.

Calls out of position preflop

C/R@CBf(co) Check Raise at Continuation Bet flop (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player raises a continuation bet after having checked at the flop.
DKf(co) Donk Bet flop (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player bets out of position at the flop whereas last raiser preflop has not acted yet.
DK/3Bf(co) Donk Bet And 3Bet flop (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player 3bets a raise (player made a donk bet), at the flop.
C/C@CBf(co) Check Call at Continuation Bet flop (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Players calls a continuation bet after having checked at the flop.
!DKf(co) Not Donk Bet flop (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player checks out of position at the flop whereas last raiser preflop has not acted yet.
DK/Cf(co) Donk Bet And Call flop (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player calls a raise (player made a donk bet), at the flop.
C/F@CBf(co) Check Fold at Continuation Bet flop (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player folds a continuation bet after having checked at the flop.
DK/Ff(co) Donk Bet And Fold flop (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player folds on a raise after having made a donk bet at the flop.

Calls a 3Bet out of position preflop

C/R@CBf(co3) Check Raise at Continuation Bet flop (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player raises a continuation bet after having checked at the flop.
DKf(co3) Donk Bet flop (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player bets out of position at the flop whereas last raiser preflop has not acted yet.
DK/3Bf(co3) Donk Bet And 3Bet flop (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player 3Bets a raise after having made a donk bet at the flop.
C/C@CBf(co3) Check Call at Continuation Bet flop (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Players calls a continuation bet after having checked at the flop.
!DKf(co3) Not Donk Bet flop (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player checks out of position at the flop whereas last raiser preflop has not acted yet.
DK/Cf(co3) Donk Bet And Call flop (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Players calls a raise after having made a donk bet at the flop.
C/F@CBf(co3) Check Fold at Continuation Bet flop (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player folds on a continuation bet (player checked), at the flop.
DK/Ff(co3) Donk Bet And Fold flop (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player folds on a raise (player made a donk bet), at the flop.

Limped pots preflop

Bf(n) Bet flop (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player bets at the flop.
Rf(n) Raise flop (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player raises at the flop.
CH/Rf(n) Check Raise flop (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player raises (player checked), at the flop.
Cf(n) Call flop (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player calls at the flop.
CH/Cf(n) Check Call flop (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Players calls after having checked at the flop.
CHf(n) Check flop (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player checks at the flop.
Ff(n) Fold flop (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player folds at the flop.
CH/Ff(n) Check Fold flop (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player folds after having checked at the flop.


All cases

CBt Continuation Bet turn Player makes a continuation bet at the turn.
R@CBt Raise at CBet turn Player raises a continuation bet at the turn.
Bt Bet turn Player bets at the turn after having checked at the flop.
DKt Donk Bet turn Player bets out of position at the turn after having called un continuation bet at the flop.
!2BAt Not 2 Barrel turn Player does not make a second continuation bet at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
C@CBt Call at CBet turn Player calls a continuation bet at the turn.
!Bt Not Bet turn Player check at the turn after having checked at the flop.
!DKt Not Donk Bet turn Player check out of position at the turn after having called un continuation bet at the flop.
F@CBt Fold at CBet turn Player folds a continuation bet at the turn.
CB/Ft CBet And Fold Raise turn Player folds on a raise after having made a continuation bet at the turn.

Preflop raiser

2BAt(r) 2 Barrel turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a second continuation bet at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
2BAipt(r) 2 Barrel turn In Position (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a second continuation bet in position at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
2BAoopt(r) 2 Barrel turn Out Of Position (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a second continuation bet out of position at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
2BA/3Bt(r) 2 Barrel And 3Bet turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player reraises a raise (player made a continuation bet at the flop) puis at the turn.
DCBt(r) Delayed Continuation Bet turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player bets at the turn (and did not make a continuation bet), at the flop.
DCBipt(r) Delayed Continuation Bet In Position turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player bets at the turn in position (player did not make a continuation bet at the flop).
DCBoopt(r) Delayed Continuation Bet Out Of Position turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player bets at the turn out of position (and did not make a continuation bet), at the flop.
R@DKt(r) Raise at Donk Bet turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player raises a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the turn.
2BA/Ct(r) 2 Barrel And Call Raise turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player calls a raise after having made a continuation bet at the flop and at the turn.
C@DKt(r) Call Donk Bet turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Players calls a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the turn.
!2BAt(r) Not 2 Barrel turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a second continuation bet at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
!2BAipt(r) Not 2 Barrel turn In Position (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a second continuation bet in position at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
!2BAoopt(r) Not 2 Barrel turn Out Of Position (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player n'effectue pas un second continuation bet out of position at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
!DCBt(r) Not Delayed Continuation Bet turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player ne mise pas at the turn (and did not make a continuation bet), at the flop.
!DCBipt(r) Not Delayed Continuation Bet In Position turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not bet at the turn in position (player did not make a continuation bet at the flop).
!DCBoopt(r) Not Delayed Continuation Bet Out Of Position turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player ne mise pas at the turn out of position (and did not make a continuation bet), at the flop.
F@DKt(r) Fold at Donk Bet turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the turn.
2BA/Ft(r) 2 Barrel And Fold Raise turn (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on a raise after having made a continuation bet at the flop and at the turn.

3Better preflop

2BAt(3) 2 Barrel turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a second continuation bet at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
2BAipt(3) 2 Barrel turn In Position (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a second continuation bet in position at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
2BAoopt(3) 2 Barrel turn Out Of Position (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a second continuation bet out of position at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
2BA/3Bt(3) 2 Barrel And 3Bet turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player reraise a raise after having made a continuation bet at the flop and at the turn.
DCBt(3) Delayed Continuation Bet turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player bets at the turn (and did not make a continuation bet), at the flop.
DCBipt(3) Delayed Continuation Bet In Position turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player bets at the turn in position (player did not make a continuation bet at the flop).
DCBoopt(3) Delayed Continuation Bet Out Of Position turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player bets out of position at the turn (player did not make a continuation bet at the flop).
C@DKt(3) Call Donk Bet turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player calls a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the turn.
2BA/Ct(3) 2 Barrel And Call Raise turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player calls a raise after having made a continuation bet at the flop and at the turn.
F@DKt(3) Fold at Donk Bet turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the turn.
!2BAt(3) Not 2 Barrel turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a second continuation bet at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
!2BAipt(3) Not 2 Barrel turn In Position (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a second continuation bet in position at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
!2BAoopt(3) Not 2 Barrel turn Out Of Position (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a second continuation bet out of position at the turn (his continuation bet at the flop was paid).
!DCBt(3) Not Delayed Continuation Bet turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player ne mise pas at the turn (and did not make a continuation bet), at the flop.
!DCBipt(3) Not Delayed Continuation Bet In Position turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not bet at the turn in position (player did not make a continuation bet at the flop).
!DCBoopt(3) Not Delayed Continuation Bet Out Of Position turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player ne mise pas at the turn out of position (and did not make a continuation bet), at the flop.
R@DKt(3) Raise at Donk Bet turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player raises a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the turn.
2BA/Ft(3) 2 Barrel And Fold Raise turn (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on a raise after having made a continuation bet at the flop and at the turn.

Calls in position preflop

R@2BAt(ci) Raise at 2 Barrel turn (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player raises the second continuation bet at the turn.
Lt(ci) Lead turn (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player bets when the opponent did not make a second continuation bet at the turn.
C@2BAt(ci) Call at 2 Barrel turn (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player calls the second continuation bet at the turn.
!Lt(ci) Not Lead turn (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player checks when the opponent did not make a second continuation bet at the turn.
F@2BAt(ci) Fold at 2 Barrel turn (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player folds a second continuation bet at the turn.

Calls a 3Bet in position preflop

R@2BAt(ci3) Raise at 2 Barrel turn (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player raises the second continuation bet at the turn.
Lt(ci3) Lead turn (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player bets when the opponent did not make a second continuation bet at the turn.
C@2BAt(ci3) Call at 2 Barrel turn (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player calls the second continuation bet at the turn.
!Lt(ci3) Not Lead turn (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player checks when the opponent did not make a second continuation bet at the turn.
F@2BAt(ci3) Fold at 2 Barrel turn (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player folds on a second continuation bet at the turn.

Calls out of position preflop

C/R@2BAt(co) Check Raise at 2 Barrel turn (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player raises the second continuation bet after having checked at the turn.
DKt(co) Donk Bet turn (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player bets out of position at the turn after having called the continuation bet at the flop.
DK/3Bt(co) Donk Bet 3Bet Raise turn (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player 3Bets a raise after having made a donk bet at the turn.
Lt(co) Lead turn (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player bets when the opponent did not make a continuation bet at the flop.
C/C@2BAt(co) Check Call at 2 Barrel turn (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player calls the second continuation bet after having checked at the turn.
!DKt(co) Not Donk Bet turn (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player checks out of position at the turn after having called the continuation bet at the flop.
DK/Ct(co) Donk Bet Call Raise turn (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player calls a raise after having made a donk bet at the turn.
!Lt(co) Not Lead turn (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player checks when the opponent did not make a continuation bet at the flop.
C/F@2BAt(co) Check Fold at 2 Barrel turn (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player folds on the second continuation bet after having checked at the turn.
DK/Ft(co) Donk Bet Fold Raise turn (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player folds on a raise after having made a donk bet at the turn.

Calls a 3Bet out of position preflop

C/R@2BAt(co3) Check Raise at 2 Barrel turn (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player raises the second continuation bet after having checked at the turn.
DKt(co3) Donk Bet turn (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player bets out of position at the turn (player called a continuation bet at the flop).
DK/3Bt(co3) Donk Bet 3Bet Raise turn (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player 3Bets a raise after having made a donk bet at the turn.
Lt(co3) Lead turn (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player bets when the opponent did not make a continuation bet at the flop.
C/C@2BAt(co3) Check Call at 2 Barrel turn (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player calls the second continuation bet after having checked at the turn.
!DKt(co3) Not Donk Bet turn (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player checks out of position at the turn after having called the continuation bet at the flop.
DK/Ct(co3) Donk Bet Call Raise turn (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player calls a raise after having made a donk bet at the turn.
!Lt(co3) Not Lead turn (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player checks when the opponent did not make a continuation bet at the flop.
C/F@2BAt(co3) Check Fold at 2 Barrel turn (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player folds on the second continuation bet after having checked at the turn.
DK/Ft(co3) Donk Bet Fold Raise turn (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player folds on a raise after having made a donk bet at the turn.

Limped pots preflop

CBt(n) Continuation Bet turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player continues to bet at the turn after having bet at the flop.
Bt(n) Bet turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player bets at the turn after having checked at the flop.
C/R@CBt(n) Check/Raise at Continuation Bet turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player raises a continuation bet at the turn.
DKt(n) Donk Bet turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player bets out of position at the turn after having called un continuation bet at the flop.
C/C@CBt(n) Check/Call at Continuation Bet turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player calls a continuation bet at the turn.
!CBt(n) Not Continuation Bet turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player checks at the turn after having bet at the flop.
!DKt(n) Not Donk Bet turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player checks out of position at the turn after having called un continuation bet at the flop.
Cht(n) Check turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player checks at the turn (player checked at the flop).
R@CBt(n) Raise at Continuation Bet turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player raises a continuation bet at the turn.
C/Rt(n) Check/Raise turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player raises a bet after having checked at the turn.
C@CBt(n) Call at Continuation Bet turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player calls a continuation bet at the turn.
C/Ct(n) Check/Call turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player calls a bet after having checked at the turn.
F@CBt(n) Fold at Continuation Bet turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player folds a continuation bet at the turn.
C/F@CBt(n) Check/Fold at Continuation Bet turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player folds a continuation bet at the turn.
C/Ft(n) Check/Fold turn (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player folds on a bet after having checked at the turn.


All cases

CBr Continuation Bet river Player makes a continuation bet at the river.
R@CBr Raise at CBet river Player raises a continuation bet at the river.
DKr Donk Bet river Player bets out of position at the river after having called un continuation bet at the turn.
!3BAr Not 3 Barrel river Player does not make a third continuation bet at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
C@CBr Call at CBet river Player calls a continuation bet at the river.
!DKr Not Donk Bet river Player check out of position at the river after having called un continuation bet at the turn.
F@CBr Fold at CBet river Player folds a continuation bet at the river.
CB/Fr CBet And Fold Raise river Player folds on a raise after having made a continuation bet at the river.

Preflop raiser

3BAr(r) 3 Barrel river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a third continuation bet at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
3BAipr(r) 3 Barrel In Position river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a third continuation bet in position at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
3BAoopr(r) 3 Barrel Out Of Position river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a third continuation bet out of position at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
3BA/3Br(r) 3 Barrel And 3Bet river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player reraise a raise after having made a continuation bet at the flop, at the turn and at the river.
D2BAr(r) Delayed 2 Barrel river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player bets at the river after having made a continuation bet at the flop and checked at the turn.
D2BAipr(r) Delayed 2 Barrel In Position river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player bets in position at the river after not having made a second continuation bet at the turn.
D2BAoopr(r) Delayed 2 Barrel Out Of Position river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player bets out of position at the river after not having made a second continuation bet at the turn.
R@DKr(r) Raise at Donk Bet river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player raises the Donk Bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the river.
3BA/Cr(r) 3 Barrel And Call Raise river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player calls a raise after having made a continuation bet at the flop, at the turn and at the river.
C@DKr(r) Call Donk Bet river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player calls a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the river.
!3BAr(r) Not 3 Barrel river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a third continuation bet at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
!3BAipr(r) Not 3 Barrel In Position river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a third continuation bet in position at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
!3BAoopr(r) Not 3 Barrel Out Of Position river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a third continuation bet out of position at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
!2BAr(r) Not 2 Barrel turn and river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not bet at the river after having made a continuation bet at the flop and checked at the turn.
!D2BAipr(r) Not Delayed 2 Barrel In Position river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not bet in position at the river after not having made a second continuation bet at the turn.
!D2BAoopr(r) Not Delayed 2 Barrel Out Of Position river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not bet out of position at the river after not having made a second continuation bet at the turn.
F@DKr(r) Fold at Donk Bet river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on the Donk Bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the river.
3BA/Fr(r) 3 Barrel And Fold Raise river (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on a raise after having made a continuation bet at the flop, at the turn and at the river.

3Better preflop

3BAr(3) 3 Barrel river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a third continuation bet at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
3BAipr(3) 3 Barrel In Position river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a third continuation bet in position at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
3BAoopr(3) 3 Barrel Out Of Position river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes a third continuation bet out of position at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
3BA/3Br(3) 3 Barrel And 3Bet river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player reraise a raise after having made a continuation bet at the flop, at the turn and at the river.
2BAr(3) Delayed 2 Barrel river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player bets at the river after having made a continuation bet at the flop and checked at the turn.
D2BAipr(3) Delayed 2 Barrel In Position river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player bets in position at the river after not having made a second continuation bet at the turn.
D2BAoopr(3) Delayed 2 Barrel Out Of Position river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player bets out of position at the river after not having made a second continuation bet at the turn.
R@DKr(3) Raise at Donk Bet river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player raises the Donk Bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the river.
3BA/Cr(3) 3 Barrel And Call Raise river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player calls a raise after having made a continuation bet at the flop, at the turn and at the river.
C@DKr(3) Call Donk Bet river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player calls a donk bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the river.
!3BAr(3) Not 3 Barrel river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a third continuation bet at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
!3BAipr(3) Not 3 Barrel In Position river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a third continuation bet in position at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
!3BAoopr(3) Not 3 Barrel Out Of Position river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not make a third continuation bet out of position at the river (his continuation bets were paid at the flop and turn).
!2BAr(3) Not 2 Barrel turn and river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not bet at the river after having made a continuation bet at the flop and checked at the turn.
!D2BAipr(3) Not Delayed 2 Barrel In Position river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not bet in position at the river after not having made a second continuation bet at the turn.
!D2BAoopr(3) Not Delayed 2 Barrel Out Of Position river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player does not bet out of position at the river after not having made a second continuation bet at the turn.
F@DKr(3) Fold at Donk Bet river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on the Donk Bet (bets whereas initial raiser has not acted yet) at the river.
3BA/Fr(3) 3 Barrel And Fold Raise river (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds on a raise after having made a continuation bet at the flop, at the turn and at the river.

Calls in position preflop

R@3BAt(ci) Raise at 3 Barrel river (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player raises the third continuation bet at the river.
Lr(ci) Lead river after call 2 Barrel (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player bets at the river after having called two barrels.
C@3BAt(ci) Call at 3 Barrel river (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player calls the third continuation bet at the river.
!Lr(ci) Not Lead river after call 2 Barrel (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player checks at the river after having called two barrels.
F@3BAt(ci) Fold at 3 Barrel river (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player folds a third continuation bet at the river.

Calls a 3Bet in position preflop

R@3BAt(ci3) Raise at 3 Barrel river (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player raises the third continuation bet at the river.
Lr(ci3) Lead river after call 2 Barrel (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player bets at the river after having called two barrels.
C@3BAt(ci3) Call at 3 Barrel river (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player calls the third continuation bet at the river.
!Lr(ci3) Not Lead river after call 2 Barrel (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player checks at the river after having called two barrels.
F@3BAt(ci3) Fold at 3 Barrel river (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player folds a third continuation bet at the river.

Calls out of position preflop

C/R@3BAr(co) Check Raise at 3 Barrel river (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player raises the third continuation bet after having checked at the river.
DKr(co) Donk Bet river (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player bets out of position at the river after having called un continuation bet at the flop and at the turn.
DK/3Br(co) Donk Bet 3Bet Raise river (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player 3Bets a raise after having made a donk bet at the river.
Lr(co) Lead river after call Continuation Bet flop (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player bets out of position at the river after undergoing a continuation bet at the flop.
C/C@3BAr(co) Check Call at 3 Barrel river (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player calls the third continuation bet after having checked at the river.
DK/Cr(co) Donk Bet Call Raise river (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player calls a raise after having made a donk bet at the turn.
!Lr(co) Not Lead river after call Continuation Bet flop (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player checks out of position at the river after undergoing a continuation bet at the flop.
!DKr(co) Not Donk Bet river (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player checks out of position at the river after having called un continuation bet at the flop and at the turn.
C/F@3BAr(co) Check Fold at 3 Barrel river (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player folds on the third continuation bet after having checked at the river.
DK/Fr(co) Donk Bet Fold Raise river (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player folds on a raise after having made a donk bet at the turn.

Calls a 3Bet out of position preflop

C/R@3BAr(co3) Check Raise at 3 Barrel river (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player raises the third continuation bet after having checked at the river.
DKr(co3) Donk Bet river (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player bets out of position at the river after having called un continuation bet at the flop and at the turn.
DK/3Br(co3) Donk Bet 3Bet Raise river (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player 3Bets a raise after having made a donk bet at the turn.
Lr(co3) Lead river after call Continuation Bet flop (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player bets out of position at the river after undergoing a continuation bet at the flop.
C/C@3BAr(co3) Check Call at 3 Barrel river (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player calls the third continuation bet after having checked at the river.
DK/Cr(co3) Donk Bet Call Raise river (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player calls a raise after having made a donk bet at the turn.
!Lr(co3) Not Lead river after call Continuation Bet flop (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player checks out of position at the river after undergoing a continuation bet at the flop.
!DKr(co3) Not Donk Bet river (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player checks out of position at the river after having called un continuation bet at the flop and at the turn.
C/F@3BAr(co3) Check Fold at 3 Barrel river (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player folds on the third continuation bet after having checked at the river.
DK/Fr(co3) Donk Bet Fold Raise river (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player folds on a raise after having made a donk bet at the turn.

Limped pots preflop

2BAr(n) 2 Barrel river (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player bets the river after having bet flop and turn.
C/C@3BAr(n) Check Call at 3 Barrel river (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player calls the third continuation bet after having checked at the river.
!2BAr(n) Not 2 Barrel river (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player checks the river after having bet flop and turn.


All cases

WTSD Went to Showdown postflop Player goes at showdown when he saw the flop.
$@SD Win at Showdown postflop Player gagne at showdown when he saw the flop.
COLL Collect postflop Player makes his opponents fold postflop.
COLLf Collect flop Player makes opponents fold at the flop.
COLLt Collect turn Player makes opponents fold at the turn.
COLLr Collect river Player makes opponents fold at the river.
CBp Continuation Bet Postflop Player makes a continuation bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
DKp Donk Bet Postflop Player makes a donk bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
R@CBp Raise at Continuation Bet Postflop Player raises a continuation bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
R@DKp Raise at Donk Bet Postflop Player raises a donk bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
C/Rp Check/Raise Postflop Player Check / Raises un continuation Bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
3B@Rp 3Bet at Raise Postflop Player reraise a raise at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
RIPp Raise In Position Postflop Player raises a bet in position at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
L@SD Loose at Showdown postflop Player perd at showdown when he saw the flop.
!CBp Not Continuation Bet Postflop Player does not make a continuation bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
!DKp Not Donk Bet Postflop Player does not make a donk bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
C@CBp Call at Continuation Bet Postflop Player calls a continuation bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
C@DKp Call at Donk Bet Postflop Player calls a donk bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
C/Cp Check/Call Postflop Player Check / Calls un continuation Bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
C@Rp Call at Raise Postflop Player calls a raise at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
CIPp Call In Position Postflop Player calls a bet in position at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
FOLD Fold postflop Player folds postflop.
FOLDf Fold flop Player folds at the flop.
FOLDt Fold turn Player folds at the turn.
FOLDr Fold river Player folds at the river.
F@CBp Fold at Continuation Bet Postflop Player folds a continuation bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
F@DKp Fold at Donk Bet Postflop Player folds on a donk bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
C/Fp Check/Fold Postflop Player Check / Folds un continuation Bet at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
F@Rp Fold at Raise Postflop Player folds on a raise at the flop, at the turn or at the river.
FIPp Fold In Position Postflop Player folds on a bet in position at the flop, at the turn or at the river.

Preflop raiser

WTSD(r) Went to Showdown (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player goes at showdown when he saw the flop.
$@SD(r) Win at Showdown (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player wins at showdown when he saw the flop.
COLL(r) Collect (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes his opponents fold postflop.
L@SD(r) Loose at Showdown (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player loses at showdown when he saw the flop.
FOLD(r) Fold (Raise) Player raised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds postflop.

3Better preflop

WTSD(3) Went to Showdown (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player goes at showdown when he saw the flop.
$@SD(3) Win at Showdown (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player wins at showdown when he saw the flop.
COLL(3) Collect (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player makes his opponents fold postflop.
L@SD(3) Loose at Showdown (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player loses at showdown when he saw the flop.
FOLD(3) Fold (3Bet+) Player reraised preflop and is the last raiser.Player folds postflop.

Calls in position preflop

WTSD(ci) Went to Showdown (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player goes at showdown when he saw the flop.
$@SD(ci) Win at Showdown (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player wins at showdown when he saw the flop.
COLL(ci) Collect (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player makes his opponents fold postflop.
L@SD(ci) Loose at Showdown (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player loses at showdown when he saw the flop.
FOLD(ci) Fold (Call IP) Player called a raise preflop and is in position on the raiser. Player folds postflop.

Calls a 3Bet in position preflop

WTSD(ci3) Went to Showdown (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player goes at showdown when he saw the flop.
$@SD(ci3) Win at Showdown (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player wins at showdown when he saw the flop.
COLL(ci3) Collect (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player makes his opponents fold postflop.
L@SD(ci3) Loose at Showdown (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player loses at showdown when he saw the flop.
FOLD(ci3) Fold (Call 3Bet+ IP) Player called une sur-relance preflop. Il est en position sur le relanceur.Player folds postflop.

Calls out of position preflop

WTSD(co) Went to Showdown (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player goes at showdown when he saw the flop.
$@SD(co) Win at Showdown (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player wins at showdown when he saw the flop.
COLL(co) Collect (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player makes his opponents fold postflop.
L@SD(co) Loose at Showdown (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player loses at showdown when he saw the flop.
FOLD(co) Fold (Call OOP) Player called a raise preflop and is out position on the raiser.Player folds postflop.

Calls a 3Bet out of position preflop

WTSD(co3) Went to Showdown (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player goes at showdown when he saw the flop.
$@SD(co3) Win at Showdown (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player wins at showdown when he saw the flop.
COLL(co3) Collect (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player makes his opponents fold postflop.
L@SD(co3) Loose at Showdown (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player loses at showdown when he saw the flop.
FOLD(co3) Fold (Call 3Bet+ OOP) Player called une reraise preflop and is out of position on the raiser. Player folds postflop.

Limped pots preflop

WTSD(n) Went to Showdown (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player goes at showdown when he saw the flop.
$@SD(n) Win at Showdown (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player wins at showdown when he saw the flop.
COLL(n) Collect (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player makes his opponents fold postflop.
L@SD(n) Loose at Showdown (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player loses at showdown when he saw the flop.
FOLD(n) Fold (Limps Pot) No raise preflop occured.Player folds postflop.

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