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Redefine where are the hands history of each poker rooms

Redefine where are the hands history of each poker rooms è stato creato da Frans

5 Anni 4 Mesi fa #26594

I'm playing poker on 3 different devices and so I will configure each poker software on each devide to save hands history on one single folder (per poker room) synchronized via cloud.
During installation of xeester it request me to vérify / indentify where are the differents pokerooms history. But I just cannot find out again this functionnality in xeester, once installed.

Should I reinstall xeester on every device or is there something more simple ? :)



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Risposta da ngba3287 al topic Redefine where are the hands history of each poker rooms

5 Anni 4 Mesi fa #26596
Welcome Frans,

Once you have modified the folder,
You must configure Xeester to find the history,
For exemple with PokerStars if I choose to save my HandHistory and TournSummary here (cloud) :


From Xeester I have to click on :
Import > Rooms > PokerStars

Click on 'Remove' to delete the old directories
Then Click on 'Add' To indicate the correct directories


This will be solved in the next major version that will replace Xeester and will be called OpenCards,
Everything will be saved automatically on cloud,
So you will be able to play on PC#1 PC#2 or PC#3 with all your data.

PS: We'll be showing more videos on the OpenCards presentation on this YouTube channel:
Do not hesitate to subscribe to the channel and activate the bell to be informed.

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Risposta da Frans al topic Redefine where are the hands history of each poker rooms

5 Anni 4 Mesi fa #26631
Hi, thanks for this
unfortunally pokerstars does not allow me to write on my cloud....

anyhow when is planned approximatly this relaese with cloud functionnality?



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Risposta da ngba3287 al topic Redefine where are the hands history of each poker rooms

5 Anni 4 Mesi fa #26636

We hope end 2019 / begin 2020
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : Frans

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Risposta da Frans al topic Redefine where are the hands history of each poker rooms

4 Anni 9 Mesi fa #29104

according to this topic, now I play on winamax and not able to select folder for hand history it seems...

Anyhow, as I have now onedrive cloud sync on different device, I was woundering if I can simply put the database of xeester on this onedrive, it will solve everything... I did not found how I can to that

best regards


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Risposta da ngba3287 al topic Redefine where are the hands history of each poker rooms

4 Anni 9 Mesi fa #29110

You can try to install Xeester in OneDrive for example

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