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Version - mai 7 - 2016


Sessions - summary:
- tooltips added

Quick filter  'Session's name' :
- Optimization (search triggered only with ENTER)
- Colored in blue if filter is active

Sessions - Heads up : added pseudo in the session's name

- Migration script at startup

- Import modification

Hands - Filters :

- new filter "Nb seats"
- new filter "Specialty"
- new filter "Structure"

- Mains - Liste : opponent's category is now displayed

Stats - 

- new filter for blinds
- new filter"Nb seats"
- new filter "Hands category"
- new filter "Specialty"
- new filter "Structure"


- new hero method (hands against oppoents in Heads up)

Ipoker :
- automatic detection of the new history folder for


HUD : 
- correction if revenge on Pokerstars in SNG HU

Stats :
- correction when no profile is selected

Version - April 20 - 2016


- Separated dates for min Hero / Opponents samples of the HUD
- Improvement of windows focus management
- Wider font for screen resolutions larger than 3K


- Correction of import for Pokerstars satellites

Version - April 20 - 2016


- Separate min dates for Hero / Opponents in the HUD data samples
- Improvement of the focus system management
- Font size is now bigger if screen resolution exceeds 3k


- Correction of Pokerstars satellites import

Version - March 17 - 2016


- Bug on the current week filter
- Bug on opponents Net in HU
- Bug on default profile statistic values
- Reentry choice now enabled on the tournaments edition dialog


- Improvement of the static level display
- Improvement of history files opening mechanism
- Imrovement of information retrieved for Reentry and KO tournaments on Winamax

Version - March 14 - 2016


- HUD ne fonctinne pas sur certains SNG IPoker
- Certains filtres ne sont pas visibles pour le module de stats
- Le répertoire d'shitorique d'IPoker disparait pour certains utilisateurs

Version - March 7 - 2016


- Performance improvement on IPoker


- Some Winamax tournaments were retrieved with bad type and structure information
- Net results on Winamax were wrong in some cases
- Deletion of duplicated hands on Winamax
- HUD did not work anymore on Pacific poker

Version - October 21 - 2015

New features

- Management of reentry specialty for Winamax and Pokerstars
- HUD option : Always show labels inside the screen
- Management of prizepools and number of players for IPoker Double Or Nothing
- Management of prizepools for Everest Twisters


- Deletion of orphan hands
- Miscellaneous bugs on tournament summaries

Version - September 28 - 2015

New features

- Improvement of dates filters
- HUD is now started on tables that are already open when Xeester starts
- Module Sessions>List : new sort by End date
- Implementation of Pokerstars/FullTilt restrictions when playing :

- The statistic tab “By starting / final hand” is unavailable
- Auto-categorization is hidden
- Badges are hidden
- Statistics intervals 2 and 3 are dynamically merged (the color of interval 3 is used instead)


- Slowdown at startup when import logs were too large
- Filter buy-in was bugged in some cases
- "Open session files" was opening the same file several times

Version - August 24 - 2015

New features

- Sessions : new column "last hand"
- Cards : use of a 4 color deck
- HUD options : new feature "Hide the HUD when started"
- HUD : possibility to display the category on the HUD border


- Connection problems on some Windows 
- Backup crashed Xeester when installed on a VMWare

Version - August 10 - 2015

HUD and Profiles

- Séparation of HUD and Profiles. A HUD now references a profile as external popup
- Improvement of the Stat module
- Possbility to backup/restore online the database
- Simplification and improvement of performance of the Opponents module 


- Errors on gains for some freeroll satellites of Winamax

Version - Mai 7 - 2015

Replayer :
- Logs on the right side

Export in multiple formats : 
- Original logs
- Text
- Club poker
- 2+2

- Management of 7 and 5 handed final tables 
- LIVE window problems with timezone settings

Version - April 15 - 2015

Ergonomics :
- Improvement of data views speed
- Some specific 888 import errors
- Net gains errors corrections
- Pokerstars primes corrections
- Correction for the replayer : HUD Start mode by number of seated players 

Version - March 23 - 2015

Ergonomics : 
- NEW : edition wizard for the filters
- NEW : edition wizard for the HUD
- NEW : combo for choosing a statistic is now replaced by a more intuitive window
- NEW : Replayer can now be resized in a larger size

Version - March 10 - 2015

- Performance issues for the Opponents module
- New statistic : Actual stack
- New metrics fo the Sessions results : 

Tournaments : 

  • Average time per session
  • Average net per session
  • Average hourly net per session 

Cashgame : 

  • Nb hands per hour
  • Net per hour per table

Version - March 3 - 2015

Ergonomics :
- Ability to view filters in minimalist fashion
- Easier settings and edition of the HUDs
- Hands list : wider Date column
- HUD labels : black border is removed
- Quick filters added to Sessions / Hands / Opponents modules


Evolutions :
- Statistics : added INVEST postflop, flop, turn and river
- Statistics: added Cbet turn, Cbet river and Lead flop, Lead Turn and Lead River in the "GLOBAL" context
- Sessions : new specialty filters 'Double or Nothing' and 'Steps' for tournaments
- HUD : option for displaying labels only on when mouse is over
- HUD : new empty HUD model
- Hands: new default filter "Showdowns"
- New default filters  'Recently viewed'
- Filters : new "X last hours" period filters
- Sessions : ability to open the folders containing the original history files


Corrections :
- Profiles opening with 'Active table' option enabled on the Ipoker network
- Results import for SNG Revolutions on Winamax
- Seats positions on the replayer
- Errors 'Unknown file' on tournament summaries
- Navigation problems on the 'Stats' module
- Results import on some Pokerstars tournaments
- Import of history files retrieved from the Pokerstars support system
- Labels positionning in the top left corner of the screen
- Support of Pokerstars add-ons
- Hands module and statistic details dialog : 'Unknown hands' filter
- Tournament bonuses
- '3Bet at Small Blind Raise' statistic
- Statistic details dialog waiting indefinitely

Version - Februray 13 - 2015

- New "Hands list" tab in the statistic details dialog
- % of won hands now available in the Hands module summary
- Cashgame duplicates correction
- Sessions and hands ergonomics : option to display data in non compacted columns
- New period filters (x last hours)

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