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Version (2025/03/17)

Evolutions :

V2-920 Options > Alias management... (Link multiple players for unified statistics)
V2-988 Xeester offline - Offline mode
The offline mode only works if you have previously authenticated correctly with this version V2.28
Allows you to do your reviews on the move without the need for a connection
V2-1098 Winamax > CashGame > FastFold > ESCAPE > Hands : New column and filter for Bonus amount
V2-1110 Tournaments > New Specialty : Jackpot KO
V2-1111 PokerStars : Automation Specialty Jackpot KO for "Kick-Off" or "La Course"
V2-1197 Tournaments > Games : New 'Ends' filter (also available in Results > Group by: Ends)

V2-1286 Tournaments > New specialty : Mystery KO
V2-1318 HUD > PokerStars > MTT > FastFold > Zoom
               + 2 new specialties Tournaments : FastFold and FastFold KO
V2-1339 ( Italy ) Flag_ITALIA.png  Sisal integration at PokerStars > CashGame > Zoom (Import+HUD)
V2-1348 ( France ) Flags_screenshot_02.png  New Betclic.FR network integration > CashGame: Special cases (minors)

V2-1349 Logo MacOS MacOS  ( Italy ) Flag_ITALIA.png  iPoker > Goldbet.IT : HUD activation + Folders detection
V2-1358 Import > Currency values taken into account (license adjustment)
Allows games to be imported in Yen ¥ for users without a HIGH GAMES license.
The new limits are as follows :


V2-1359 GGPoker > Tournaments: T$ taken into account
V2-1360 ( France ) Flags_screenshot_02.png  New Betclic.FR network integration > CashGame > Games > Cutting
V2-1363 Hands > List : New 'Export all' button for external use
V2-1364 ( France ) Flags_screenshot_02.png  New Betclic.FR network integration > CashGame > PLO > AllinEV
V2-1366 ( France ) Flags_screenshot_02.png  New Betclic.FR network integration > Spin & Rush : Special cases (minors, corrects Net in tokens and EVdiff but no impact on EV/cEV)
V2-1369 ( France ) Flags_screenshot_02.png  New Betclic.FR network integration > MTT : Taking reentry into account
V2-1374 New 'Site' filter (also available in Results > Group by: Site)
V2-1377 Tournaments > New specialty : Space KO

Ergonomics :

V2-1214 HUD options > Open multiple notes/profiles
V2-1284 Games/Hands > Results > New 'Group by : Category'
V2-1352 Hands > Results > 'Export all' : Enhanced date format
V2-1365 New option : Import options : 'Re-import existing hands (slower)'
Re-import previously imported HHs without having to delete the games first

Logo_Warning.png Use only if requested by the support Logo_Warning.png

V2-1367 Hands > Results > New 'Group by : Position and no. of players'
V2-1373 Games/Hands > Results > New 'Group by : Specialty'

Bugs :

V2-1329 Results > 'Group by' can display the last choice of another module
V2-1347 iPoker > CashGame > PLO > AllinEV
V2-1356 Export import logs
V2-1376 Logo MacOS MacOS > PartyGaming > Syntax NLHE

Version (2025/02/06)

Evolutions :

V2-1348 ( France ) Flags_screenshot_02.png  New Betclic network integration : > CashGame : Special cases
V2-1350 ( France ) Flags_screenshot_02.png  New Betclic network integration : > Tournaments : Buyin
V2-1351 Logo WindowsOS WindowsOS ( France ) Flags_screenshot_02.png  iPoker > PMU.FR : Folders detection
V2-1353 iPoker > Twister Boost : integration

Version (2025/01/30)

Evolutions :

V2-1334 ( France ) Flags_screenshot_02.png  New Betclic network integration
V2-1339 ( Italy ) Flag_ITALIA.png  Sisal integration at PokerStars (import+HUD) 
V2-1342 ( France ) Flags_screenshot_02.png  iPoker > PMU.FR : HUD activation

Ergonomics :

V2-431 Categorize the player via Note : 



V2-1313 Hide banner (avoid result oriented) > Focus mode
  By activating 'Focus', the banner only displays certain information that allows you to focus on the session,
  no indication of Net / ROI / %ITM / etc...


You can make the 'Focus' button disappear so you won't be tempted to click on it all the time ^^
by clicking on : Options > Others... > Show 'Focus' button
(ditto for the cEV, which can be deactivated in the same place if required) :

XeesterSmartPoker screenshot 1987

V2-1338 Tournaments > Multiple editions > Rebuy costs

Bugs :

V2-938 Omaha > Hands > 'Start hands' filter malfunctioning
V2-1242 Logo WindowsOS WindowsOS > Winamax > Stack tables without Playground > HUD : table that randomly takes the focus
  > New option 'Attaching the HUD (Winamax)'
  By unchecking this option, some users with focus problems should no longer have them :


GOOD TO KNOW  if you check or uncheck this option :
the HUD must be restarted for this to take effect,
using the 'Stop HUD' button XeesterSmartPoker STOP HUD FR
then 'Start HUD' XeesterSmartPoker START HUD FR
in the top center of the main Xeester window.

V2-1332 Logo MacOS MacOS > HUD > untimely Screenrecording message if no room open
V2-1336 Winamax > Summaries received via form : Permanent 'Rebuy' specialty
V2-1337 Winamax > MTT KO > Summaries received via form : Buyin/Reentry value


Version (2024/11/26)

Evolutions :

V2-548 HUD > PokerStars > CashGame > FastFold > Zoom


GOOD TO KNOWLogo MacOS for MacOS users Logo MacOS
PokerStars must be launched before Xeester,
if the HUD does not appear on Zoom
(normally indicated by a Xeester notification),
restart PokerStars.

Ergonomics :

V2-1323 HUD > Summary auto > Under the menu > Change display order according to positions, not gains/losses

Bugs :

V2-1301 Logo WindowsOS WindowsOS > PokerStars > Aurora > HUD : Lag for some users > New option 'Attach HUD (PokerStars)'
By unchecking this option, some users who have problems with PokerStars should no longer have any problems :


GOOD TO KNOW  if you check or uncheck this option :
the HUD must be restarted for this to take effect,
using the 'Stop HUD' button XeesterSmartPoker STOP HUD FR
then 'Start HUD' XeesterSmartPoker START HUD FR
in the top center of the main Xeester window.

V2-1309 Database repair does not always work
V2-1311 PartyGaming > CashGame > FastFold > Spot Poker/FastPoker/FastForward : Ignore 'Forward Folds'
V2-1314 'Start HUD' button remains displayed
V2-1316 ( Czech Republic ) Flags CZK  iPoker > CashGame : imported as FUN
V2-1317 Last Hand percentage update
V2-1319 Winamax > CashGame > FastFold > ESCAPE : Label incorrectly positioned if empty seat (2-3-4-5-max)
+ HUD remains on previous hand
V2-1325 HUD > Summary auto > Under the menu > Display equity : always on


Version (2024/09/09)

Bugs :

V2-1306 Unable to launch HUD on some PCs
V2-1307 Time filter: Time offset if time zone different from UTC+01


Version (2024/09/05)

Ergonomics :

V2-1299 HUD > Infos in bb : No decimals / Thousands in K
V2-1305 Graphs > invert colors : Net / Rake

Bugs :

V2-1303 ( France ) Flags_screenshot_02.png  iPoker > CashGame : No HUD since update

Version (2024/09/04)

Ergonomics :

V2/X3-1 HUD : 
- Make black residue disappear when transparent
- Nickname start available in 3/4 or 5 letters
V2-1278 Note : Increase the number of characters (512 to 1024)

Bugs :

V2-WT Nextcloud software could block launch
V2-1096 PokerStars : Tournament name deleted by changing filter
V2-1131 PokerStars : Tournament name is deleted when the summary import is restarted
V2-1139 Flag_MacOS.png MacOS > Winamax > Port tracker not automatically recognized
V2-1175 PokerStars > MTT > Share OpenCards > Final : Missing 1 player when the final has 1 more player
V2-1223 iPoker > MTT > Share OpenCards > player position problem
V2-1277 Hands Module > Results > Group by Weeks : Offset
V2-1282 Winamax > Import double bounty for completed MTTs
V2-1288 iPoker > File received via form > MTT rebuy : error 'NBREBUYS'
V2-1283 Flag_MacOS.png MacOS > iPoker > Admiral Poker : No HUD
V2-1293 OpenCards : Deleting a replay does not work
V2-1293 ( Italy ) Flag_MacOS.png MacOS > IPoker > Flag_ITALIA.png Lottomatica > CashGame > Short Stack : table identification 
V2-1300 ( Spain ) iPoker > Flag_NEW_SPAIN.png Betclic.ES / Bet365 : No HUD since update
V2-1302 HUD/Profil > Default zones : occasionally capped at 25bb or less

Version - March 26 - 2024

Ergonomics :

V2-1173 Opencards > Copy URL from hand to clipboard when publishing
V2-1276 Last Hand percentage update : Do this task later


Version - March 26 - 2024

Evolutions :

V2-401 New Stat > PREFLOP : Fold at Small Blind Raise (F@SBr)
V2-832 Games : Sort by Last hand % chance
V2-1116 Flag_MacOS.png MacOS > iPoker > Flag_ITALIA.png Snai poker : Folders detection + HUD activation 
V2-1118 Dynamic exchange rates (Options > Exchange rates...)
V2-1145 IPoker > Flag_ITALIA.png Sisal > CashGame : Detection of formats for 9max tables
V2-1151 Games > Results : New 'Export' button for external use
V2-1153 Games > New info : Average hands per game
​​​​​​​V2-1160 Games/Hands : Multiple selection of games (10max) > Hands/Result/Evolution of these games
V2-1169 iPoker > Flags_screenshot_02.png FDJ Poker (Parions Sport) > SNG > Pyramide : Automation '4-handed'
V2-1176 iPoker > Flags_screenshot_02.png FDJ Poker (Parions Sport) > SNG > Pyramide : Automation 'Step'
V2-1177 iPoker > SNG > Flags_screenshot_02.png [FR] Quitte Ou Double : Automation 'Double or Nothing'
V2-1203 User chat :
- Options > Display the chat window 
- Options > Preferences... > Show chat window at startup


V2-1204 iPoker > Flags_screenshot_02.png FDJ Poker (Parions Sport) > HUD MTT ClubPoker "Ligue Club Poker" : Automation '4-max'
V2-1211 iPoker > Flags_screenshot_02.png FDJ Poker (Parions Sport) > SNG > Classique : Automation '6-max'
V2-1255 Winamax > FastFold (ESCAPE) > Replayer : HOLDUP renamed in ESCAPE
V2-1259 iPoker > HUD : Automatic format detection (part.2)
V2-1266 Winamax > Expresso Freeroll : Automatic speciality in SNG Jackpot
V2-1272 Hands > New filter : Hands of paid places only

Ergonomics :

V2-959 New HUD option : Hide the replayer HUD Menu
V2-1071 Replace "Session" by "Party"
V2-1077 Opponents module > New "Add a note" button
V2-1119 Remove the Alt+Q shortcut that closes the program
V2-1137 HUD >Add more font sizes
V2-1141 HUD > Notes : memorize empty lines
V2-1150 HUD Menu: Do not show lock by default (New HUD option: Hide lock padlock)
V2-1219 HUD edition: "Hide irrelevant stats" not visible on some screens
V2-1271 HUD edition: Window can be stretched

Bugs :

V2-473 Display problem (3Bsbr) per position for Hero
V2-923 Stats > PFF : Hand counted in error
(Delete the old games and import them again to correct the hands)
V2-974 Results: No results because 'Group by: empty'
V2-1086 Flag_MacOS.png MacOS : restore backup
V2-1106 Winamax > Consideration Reentry special case
V2-1120 888poker : No HUD
V2-1121 GGPoker > MTT KO > Reentry counted wrongly
V2-1143 Hands > Filter by stat flanges display in Results
V2-1146 Hands > Note > Length control (512 characters)
V2-1165 PokerStars : Do not import "Triple Draw 2-7 Lowball" > Unmanaged game
V2-1168 iPoker > Flags_screenshot_02.png FDJ Poker (Parions Sport) > SNG > Pyramide : No HUD
V2-1188 Replayer > HUD not displayed or partially displayed for "Favorite" hands
V2-1205 HUD > Menus and labels can be off the screen
V2-1206 IPoker + 888poker > Missing labels when some game types are unknown
V2-1208 Hands > Filter : "Actual stack" renamed in "Stack in bb"
V2-1210 IPoker > Flags_screenshot_02.png Betclic > SNG "A La Carte" = Variable number of participants
V2-1212 GGPoker > Spin&Gold : imported as FUN
V2-1223 Winning Poker Network (Americas Card Room) : Uncalled bet
(Delete the old games and import them again to correct the hands)
V2-1225 Stats/Profile module: PREFLOP column malfunctions
V2-1230 Results > Group by 'Time of day' > Double click > Offset
V2-1234 Winning Poker Network (Americas Card Room) > Hands: Export original logs
V2-1238 People's Poker Flag_ITALIA.png Hands schedule midday/midnight
V2-1244 Flag_MacOS.png MacOS > iPoker > Flags_screenshot_04.png SwissCasinos : no HUD
V2-1245 Hands > Copy > ClubPoker: 1st card display
V2-1257 PartyGaming > Flags_screenshot_02.png PMU > Freeroll Prix d'Amérique : Taking the gain into account
V2-1264 PokerStars MTT KO : inclusion of remaining bounty when victory
V2-1265 Winamax > King5 : no HUD
V2-1267 (Italy) Flag_ITALIA.png Translation correction
V2-1270 iPoker > MTT KO : Double bounty taken into account

Version - February 14 - 2024

Evolutions :

V2-1259 iPoker > HUD : Automatic format detection

Bugs :

V2-1164 PokerStars > MTT KO : Taking into account 'Split'
V2-1224 PokerStars > MTT Ultra KO : Double/triple bounty taken into account
V2-1241 Hands module > List (simplified display) : Corrected Actions
V2-1252 iPoker > Tournaments > HUD : Disable table selection popup


Version - January 19 - 2024

Evolutions :

V2-1249 iPoker > Flags_screenshot_02.png FDJ Poker (Parions Sport) > Flash Twister : Number of players taken into account
V2-1249 Winamax > FastFold (GoFast Hold-Up) : Adaptation of new ESCAPE syntax (part.1)

Version - december 11 - 2023

Understanding :

V2-1236 Hands > Evolution : invert colors : Red Line (WSD : Without ShowDown) / Blue Line (SD : ShowDown)
V2-1246 Glossary: Correction definitions !2BAr(r) !2BAr(3)

Bugs :

V2-1113 Winamax > MTT : No HUD after table change (random)
V2-1237 Winamax > CashGame : No HUD when returning to a table already played (random)


Version - march 23 - 2023


Evolution :

 V2-1178 iPoker > FDJ Poker (Parions Sport) > HUD regular MTT : 6-max/8-max automation

Bugs :

V2-1196 PartyGaming > CashGame : some badly imported files
V2-1191 MacOS > PartyGaming > Hand export = Unknown original logs
V2-1198 MacOS > HUD : On active table only always ON
V2-1194 MacOS > : no HUD


Version - september 19 - 2022

Evolutions :

V2-1095 PokerStars > SNG 'PSPC Mega Path' : Added the 'target' to the Gain
V2-1094 Add tracker name for "Tracker" options on Winamax

Ergonomics :

V2-1107 Winamax : HUD stays in the right place if window maximized or chat open/close
V2-1105 HUD > unbridled font size for fullscreen
V2-1040 HUD > Note: Auto-save (HUD options)

Bugs :

V2-1108 Winamax : HUD grows with each new game
V2-1106 Winamax > Taking into account Reentry
V2-1103 MacOS :Wrong dates on PMU
V2-1100 Flag_ITALIA.png ( Italy ) MacOS > iPoker > Sisal > CashGame : no HUD
V2-1099 Processed > Badly numbered monthly file for Winamax
V2-1092 MacOS : Need to relaunch Xeester for the import on PMU
V2-1089 PartyGaming > PMU : 'Le BOUNTY Team Pro' takes into account gain but remains incomplete
V2-1085 Publication OpenCards list/tournament does not work (Tournament name conflict)
V2-1084 PartyGaming 6max invisible HUD menu
V2-1079 Freeze since last update
V2-1078 PokerStars : Pseudo bad imported
V2-1066 PokerStars : HUD suddenly disappears from the tables (bug from PokerStars)


Version - June 9 - 2022



 V2-820 OpenCards : sharing a whole tournament / group of hands

Bugs :

V2-1064 Stats module > Filter: Start Date
V2-1067 MacOS : Betclic : No HUD


Version - May 23 - 2022


Evolutions :

V2-1035 PartyGaming > MTT > Rake updated
V2-1029 iPoker > MTT KO > Automation 6max


Ergonomics :

V2-1046 Remember the last selected Hero in the general interface


Bugs :

V2-1051 PartyGaming > CashGame : Import errors > Missing labels
V2-1049 Import : Copy in processed without the hero's nickname when a dot is in the nickname
V2-1045 Wrong titles of filter dialogs in the stats module
V2-1044 GGPoker > Bounty amount in the buyin not taken into account > Prevents import summary
V2-1043 "Session in progress" filter very slow when big database
V2-1042 HUD > Data Filter > Hero > Table Hands + Current Game Session
V2-1039 888poker : Double HUD
V2-1038 PokerStars > MTT KO : missing bounty (without re-entry)
V2-1037 Winamax NEW > HUD > Save moves the labels on the other table
V2-1031 WinOS > Winamax > HUD malfunctions if the font size is not 100%.
V2-1030 iPoker > MTT KO > Bounty adjusted in case of rounding
V2-1028 MacOS > WinamaxNEW > HUD unavailable on second screen
V2-1027 Freeze for a few minutes
V2-1026 PokerStars > TournSummary sometimes requires to restart the import
V2-1023 HUD > iPoker > Betclic > MTT : Double labels/Labels are moving
V2-1022 PokerStars/PartyGaming > MTT KO : Taking into account bounty following the reentry
V2-1021 Profil > Hand list > Chips / bb/100
V2-1019 PartyGaming > MTT KO : Bounty is no longer taken into account
V2-1017 HUD : 'On the active table only' malfunctions
V2-1013 MacOS : slow hands update
V2-997 Session automatically corrected wrongly




Bugs :

V2-1014 MacOS : profile window goes under the labels + "Detail windows in foreground" option
V2-1012 Modifying a filter always displays the last used time filter
V2-1011 HUD : Profile window malfunctioning
V2-1010 Winamax GoFast : stats malfunction




Bugs :

V2-1007 HUD > Filter "Current game session" freezes the software with big base
V2-1006 Replayer malfunctions after session
V2-1005 Winamax > MTT KO : 1 of the MTT does not take into account the bounty
V2-1002 GoFast : memory problem on long sessions
V2-996 MacOS performance adjustment


Version - APRIL 01 - 2022


Evolutions :

V2-1001 HUD for Winning Poker Network (Americas Card Room)
V2-723 Import for Winning Poker Network (Americas Card Room)

Bugs :

V2-1000 Import > Import slow
V2-998 Hands> Results : slow if big database
V2-993 888poker > MTT > Labels display fixed


Version - MARCH 25 - 2022

Evolutions :

V2-984 Replayer > Winamax > Tournois KO : Affichage du bounty
V2-983 Winamax > Tournois KO : Prise en compte des Primes dans le Gain

Ergonomie :

V2-979 Replayer > Rapidité d'une main à l'autre
V2-975 Listes : Ajouté une colonne optionnelle indiquant les numéros de ligne

Bugs :

V2-989 iPoker > Twister > HUD : missing label (pop)
V2-987 Mains > Liste > Trier par : Net EV fonctionne en jetons mais pas en bb/100
V2-982 PartyGaming > MTT KO : Prise en compte du bounty partagé
V2-981 Winamax > Tournois KO : Adaptation nouvelle syntaxe summary
V2-980 Pokerstars > Cashout pas pris en compte
V2-978 Sessions >Liste : lenteurs d'affichage quand beaucoup de sessions
V2-977 HUD : edition des blocs KO
V2-976 iPoker > Twister : Rake inversé
V2-960 PartyGaming > MTT KO : Prise en compte double bounty
V2-943 Freeze en lançant le Replayer


Version - MARCH 9 - 2022

Bugs :

V2-973 Winamax : No more HUD in gofast since last update
V2-970 HUD > Don't let the labels out of the screen > Bug if window minimized
V2-966 Manual import > Files/folders selection window : wrong size sometimes
V2-947 Winamax > HUD badly placed sometimes


Version - MARCH 07 - 2022

Ergonomics :

V2-965 New option to save Winamax logs

Bugs : 

V2-969 Winamax NEW > HUD > Stack mode: overlay
V2-964 iPoker > SNG: Buy-in correction
V2-963 Date filters : the maximum date remains the day of the software launch


Version - MARCH 02 - 2022

Evolutions :

V2-909 ( Poland ) Flags_Poland.png PokerStars : HUD activation
V2-908 Replayer : display of Equity next to the POT odd
V2-904 Replayer > PokerStars > KO tournaments : Bounty integration
V2-903 PokerStars > KO tournaments : Taking into account the shared bounty
V2-890 ( Italy ) Flag_ITALIA.png People's Poker > : Auto-Détection
V2-889 PokerStars > MTT 'Road to' : Adding the 'target' to the Gain
V2-883 Hands> List : Possibility to delete a hand
V2-873 Hands > Results : New 'Export' button for external use
V2-859 Replayer > 'Publish to Opencards' now shows the HUD stats and hides the nicknames (to publish the hand without the HUD and with the nicknames, you have to hide the HUD)
V2-848 GGPoker > Tournaments : Taking into account summary
V2-843 Hands > List > Simplified view : Added sizing for betting actions
V2-816 iPoker > SwissCasinos > Tournaments > All-in Shootout : Taking into account
V2-800 PokerStars > CashGame incognito : Adaptation
V2-696 LIVE window : cEV added, 'Infos en' added
V2-652 Tournaments > Sessions module > info integration : EVchips/game
V2-650 HUD > New info : EVChips/game (Tournaments only)
V2-529 MTT : taking into account the additional rake in case of Reentry/Rebuy/Addon

Ergonomics :

V2-944 HUD edition : New stats separations
V2-941 iPoker > Hands > Export > 'original logs' without changing the syntax
V2-935 Folder/Files selection windows now show hidden items
V2-916 Hands > Evolution > Group by > Hans : No more display limits
V2-915 New option : Show (or not) the EVchips/game (allows to hide the cEV for those who do not play in SNG Jackpot)
V2-912 Filter > Start hands : New 'Reverse' and 'PP' buttons
V2-911 'View files' opens the folder in the foreground
V2-910 HUD options : Enhanced window focus
V2-906 Launch : New options 'Log on automatically at startup' and 'Minimize launch window'.
V2-905 New import option: 'Ignore hand history files before : [date]'
V2-902 Uniform display of the Rake
V2-901 Filter > Starting hands : Cloud selection
V2-897 Hands Module: 'View Files' button added
V2-871 Replayer : Clicking on the Player/Stack area switches the display from BB to Chips
V2-433 Hands > List : Improved 'Stack' visual

Bugs :

V2-958 ( Italy ) Flag_ITALIA.png iPoker > Sisal > SNG 5/6 max : No HUD
V2-950 iPoker > MTT KO > Rake fixed
V2-943 Freeze starting Replayer
V2-942 iPoker > MTT rebuy > Some hands incorrectly imported/displayed in the Replayer
V2-940 Import : Summaries are not always imported after the hand history
V2-937 Replayer > Keyboard shortcuts > Next/previous hand
V2-936 HUD > Data Filters > Hero Sample > All Hands > Session in progress (ingame+replayer)
V2-934 CashGame > HUD > info > Net EV : does not work if no ShowDown
V2-926 Winamax > CashGame > GoFast Hold-Up : Bonus not counted for some cases in the EV calculation
V2-922 Site configuration windows do not stay in the foreground
V2-907 Successive beeps at launch suppressed
V2-900 iPoker > Opponent : Net/NetEV fixed
V2-892 PartyGaming > Bwin : Net fixed
V2-891 PartyGaming > Spins > Rake : updated
V2-888 Winamax > CashGame > Cutting improvement (manual import)
V2-887 Winamax NEW SOFT : labels are poorly positioned when the table's height/width ratio is smaller than its width/height
V2-885 Replayer : Corrected equity display
V2-882 ( Italie ) Flag_ITALIA.png People's Poker > : Import error
V2-881 GGPoker : 'LADbible Super Sunday Bounty Special' imported as FUN
V2-880 888poker : Untimely message at table opening and launch
V2-879 PartyGaming > CashGame : Rake/EV fixed
V2-878 PartyGaming > CashGame : Net/Ev/Rake (uncalled bet)
V2-876 Winamax NEW SOFT : HUDs overlap in stack mode
V2-875 PartyGaming > PMU : MTT freeroll 'La Clique du Turf' imported as FUN
V2-870 Replayer > Keyboard shortcuts : Next/previous hand does not work if 'Continuous play' is unchecked
V2-869 PokerStars : Import hands received by mail
V2-868 Freeze after clicking on "View" (errors) after manual import
V2-867 PartyGaming : Incorrect Net for some hands
V2-865 Replayer > GGPoker : Some POTs are displayed incorrectly
V2-864 OpenCards : Player eliminated pop on playback
V2-863 Winamax > Old version > GoFast : Double Label
V2-862 PokerStars > CashGame : option CASHOUT adaptation 
V2-860 Replayer : CashGame : Display problem in BB
V2-856 PokerStars : adaptation encoding
V2-855 888poker > CashGame : Net/Rake fixed
V2-854 NLHE/PLO hand shuffle in the popup
V2-851 Error EV Allin preflop : KK vs AQ
V2-850 GGPoker > Hands : POT value problem (Uncalled bet)
V2-849 > Importing support files does not work (SNG)
V2-842 GGPoker > Tournaments : Tournament name not taken into account for some MTTs
V2-839 PartyGaming > MTT : No HUD if table change with observed tables
V2-830 Replayer > Publishing on OpenCards : Hiding nicknames doesn't work
V2-828 Winamax > CashGame : Correction EV allin multiway flop
V2-827 iPoker > Betclic > CashGame : New error 'Player name empty' and buggy hand import
V2-825 Hands > Filter > Number of seats
V2-817 ( Swiss ) Flags_screenshot_04.png iPoker > SwissCasinos > CashGame : Some hands not imported
V2-813 Note from an old tournament appears in a new tournament
V2-810 Hands > Results > Group by > Preflop Action : % column
V2-805 Sessions > Winamax DAY 2 : edition KO
V2-799 HUD > info > bbEV malfunctions
V2-796 Replayer : the HUD does not appear on opening
V2-793 Currency conversion works in Hands but not in Sessions
V2-785 EV multiway special case if opponents still in play
V2-780 OpenCards : Symbol € malfunctions
V2-777 HUD options > 'Don't leave labels off the screen' correction
V2-776 PokerStars > MTT : the import of TournSummary is not automatic
V2-773 Xeester badly dimensioned in some cases (idem Replayer)
V2-763 'Session in progress' filter not working (PartyGaming only)
V2-756 ( Italy) Flag_ITALIA.png People's Poker > CashGame : Net fixed
V2-721 Buy-in error if deleting + re-importing an edited MTT
V2-713 MacOS Flag_MacOS.png : Pixelated graphics with Retina display
V2-711 Hands > Graph : Adjusted display
V2-697 Hands > Results : Adjusted equity ('Percentage' renamed to 'Equity')
V2-686 MacOS Flag_MacOS.png > Microsoft Teams / Timer : block HUD
V2-638 Replayer : % equity does not correspond to the real %.
V2-636 888poker : HUD > Label moves by itself (or not) with 'Synchro on'.
V2-627 Winamax > Tournaments > EV multiway corrected for Vilain
V2-623 CashGame > Rake does not appear in LIVE
V2-581 Hands > Filter by stat does not always work
V2-567 Winamax OLD/NEW : HUD does not move to the correct table if tables observed
V2-472 Sessions > Winamax > CashGame : Multiple cutting (import only)
V2-468 888poker > CashGame : double label
V2-451 Replayer : Pot odd calculation corrected if allin
V2-441 Profil > Starting hands > double click = no hand
V2-413 Opponent > SB Fold: Net EV calculation corrected
V2-411 Replayer : POT odd fixed
V2-403 Hands > Over pair filter not working (new import required)
V2-367 Sessions/Hands module: Modify a filter then Save malfunctions
V2-295 Hands Module > Filter > Flop Hand : Draw (new import required)
V2-162 ( Belgium ) Flags_screenshot_05.png Ladbrokes > CashGame : Net fixed


Version - march 02 - 2021


Evolutions :

[V2-585] - iPoker >  Flags screenshot 02  Betclic > CashGame : Size detection for tables [FR]
[V2-670] - New room integrated : GGPoker (import only)


[V2-674] - Winamax > New soft : HUD activation


[V2-678] - Winamax : Consideration of Structures : Semi Turbo/Turbo/Super Turbo (Deglingos)
[V2-679] - PartyGaming : Automation Structure/Speciality for SPINS
[V2-680] - iPoker : No error if buy-in = Token
[V2-681] - Replayer : Added side of the pot
[V2-703] - HUD Options > HUD menu becomes independent on each table if "Synchronise labels" is unchecked
[V2-717] - iPoker >  Flags screenshot 02  Betclic : Improved detection of regular tables
[V2-739] - Launch of large databases accelerated 
[V2-742] - New currency :  Flags_screenshot_08.png  Yen (for GGPoker)
[V2-748] - Winamax > Satellite tournaments : Automation Sat Specialty
[V2-749] - iPoker >  Flags_screenshot_04.png  SwissCasinos poker : Inclusion of tournaments in the Real Money game

XeesterSmartPoker screenshot 146

[V2-750] - 888Poker : Auto detection of directories
[V2-752] - New structure: "Semi Turbo"

Ergonomics :

[V2-693] - Replayer : Legibility Action improved 
[V2-729] - Replayer : Legibility Hole cards improved 
[V2-730] - HUD would only resize if width AND height changed

Bugs :

[V2-494] - Hands module > Filter : Final Hands correction
[V2-630] - Module Hands > List (Simplified view) : Correction of Actions
[V2-633] - PokerStars > Zoom : No instant copy in processed
[V2-643] - PokerStars > SNG > Grand Tour : import in $ instead of €
[V2-648] - 888poker : No HUD if multitable
[V2-671] - Flags screenshot 07 MacOS : problem to make a backup
[V2-672] - HUD Options > Auto Summary UNDER the Menu fixed
[V2-675] - Hands module > List > Sort by Favorites/Player/Notes/Villain fixed
[V2-684] - HUD > CashGame : back on table fixed
[V2-694] - Tournaments > Evolution : Details Zone does not take into account the bounty
[V2-695] - Equity AA vs AK preflop corrected
[V2-699] - Winamax > CashGame : Double HUD at midnight
[V2-701] - Flags screenshot 07 MacOS : right click doesn't or badly displays the popup
[V2-702] - Flags screenshot 07 MacOS : Problem if change of office (HUD disappearance + crash)
[V2-707] - Replayer > "On the active table only" labels disappear if not the focus
[V2-709] - Launch problem fixed
[V2-714] -  Flag_ITALIA.png  IT version : updated "Help" menu links
[V2-715] - Opencards : Unpublished comment if apostrophe
[V2-716] - Pokerstars : HUD detection KO when table observed
[V2-718] - PokerStars > CashGame :Adaptation hands partially shown
[V2-719] - Error calculating equity when a player shows a single card
[V2-722] - PokerStars > Playmoney : Some sessions in Real Money
[V2-726] - iPoker : Hands import is done but no final result, no copy processed
[V2-728] - Replayer not always starting
[V2-731] - Flags screenshot 07 MacOS : Opening the file explorer does not work
[V2-733] - Filter "All my sessions" remains activated during manual searches
[V2-735] - Replayer malfunctions if user has changed the case of one of his nickname
[V2-736] - Winamax : PLO table imported (counted) 2 times
[V2-743] - HUD Options > "Synchronize Labels" remained enabled
[V2-744] - iPoker : identification of SNG tables

Version - november 16 - 2020


Evolutions :


[V2-615] - Replayer : "Publish on OpenCards


[V2-419] - Tournaments > Hands module > New info : EVchips/game


[V2-608] - RAM : Improved popup or replayer management during multitabling
[V2-611] - Winamax > CashGame > Private table : HUD activation
[V2-624] - New Option to close the Database
[V2-637] - Flags_screenshot_06.png  Flags_screenshot_03.png  Flags_screenshot_05.png  PokerStars > CashGame : Adaptation option CASHOUT
(Delete old sessions and import them again to correct CashGame CASHOUT winnings)

[V2-654] - Resizable Replayer 4K compatible
[V2-673] - Winamax > New software: Directory detection
[V2-WT] - Replayer : Twitter publication 
[V2-WT] - HUD Options > New "Rounded HUD" option

Ergonomics :

[V2-625] - Backup management: add the "Size" column

Glossary :

[V2-639] - Modification of the stat definition: Open limp/Call

Bugs :

[V2-644] - HUD "Table Hands" does not work if associated with "Start Date"
[V2-645] - PokerStars : Adaptation PokerStars HandHistory (sent by the room)
[V2-647] - Flags_screenshot_02.png  Flag_ITALIA.png  HUD edition : "Hide irrelevant stats" sometimes not visible
[V2-651] - Stats module > Bug "Bets" tab
(To rectify the problem on the old hands, delete the old sessions and import them again)
[V2-656] - HUD > Preferred seat > "Free Placement" does not work

[V2-659] - HUD menu does not sync if "Free Placement".
[V2-660] - HUD options may not be displayed in some cases.
[V2-667] - HUD > Auto Summary : Stacked tables, brings the table on which the summary is displayed back to the foreground
[V2-WT] - Tournaments > Sessions : Multi-edition correction if Bounties
[V2-WT] - HUD Options: Minor corrections
[V2-WT] - HUD edition: Minor corrections
[V2-WT] - Replayer : "View hands" did not display the list of hands if opened from the HUD Menu.
[V2-WT] - Modules > Filters : Remember "Last search"
[V2-WT] - HUD > Replayer/Live : Dissociation of label positions

Version - may 26 - 2020

Bugs :

[V2-631] - Problem with the "Shove" stats (Open Shove, Open Shove early, Open Shove late, Fold at Open Shove, Fold at Open Shove early, Fold at Open Shove late, Call at Open Shove, Call at Open Shove early, Call at Open Shove late, Raise at Open Shove, Raise at Open Shove early, Raise at Open Shove late).


To rectify the problem, update your HUD and Profile by deleting these stats and adding them again.

[V2-632] - Stats name offset did not display the name and definition of some stats.


Version - april 26 - 2020


Evolutions :

[V2-607] - Increased the max. RAM to be used as standard
[V2-610] - Keep the database open
[V2-612] - HUD Menu: Bookmark the last hand played without opening the replayer


Version - april 22 - 2020

 GDpoker GIOCHItelematici

Evolutions :

[V2-604] - Flag_ITALIA.png ( Italy ) PartyGaming > Gioco Digitale > GD poker > Tournaments : HUD activation 
[V2-605] - Flag_ITALIA.png ( Italy ) People's Poker > : Auto-Detect
[V2-606] - Flag_ITALIA.png ( Italy ) People's Poker > > Tournaments : HUD activation 


Version - april 20 - 2020


Evolutions :

[V2-591] - PartyGaming > MTT : Improved KO results
[V2-592] - Flag_ITALIA.png ( Italy ) 888poker : Import > Tournament Name is taken into account
[V2-593] - Flag_ITALIA.png ( Italy ) 888poker > SNG Jackpot > BLAST : Structure/Specialty automation
[V2-595] - New Option of management of the maximum used RAM
[V2-597] - Flag_ITALIA.png ( Italy ) 888poker : Import > Freerolls are taken into account in the Real part.

Bugs :

[V2-471] - Winamax > CashGame > FastFold : Sometimes no HUD in GoFast NL100
[V2-568] - HUD displays 0 hands for Opponent
[V2-594] - 888poker : Manual import does not take into account tournament summaries
[V2-596] - Cancelled [V2-566] was unsetting all unbugged hands (Deleting and reimporting sessions from April 8th to April 20th fixes the problem)
[V2-598] - PokerStars : Do not import "8-games" > Unmanaged game


Version - april 15 - 2020

Bugs :

[V2-497] - iPoker Network > MTT 8 max > HUD : Sometimes 1 or 2 labels were missing
[V2-557] - iPoker Network > MTT Multi Entries > HUD : was not always displayed
[V2-563] - Onglet Evolution : Unchecking "Net" displayed the other curves in dotted lines.
[V2-229] - iPoker Network : (Syntaxe #2 adaptation) SB won on walks were not counted.
[V2-582] - iPoker Network > MTT 8 max > HUD > Popup : There was a problem with the "8 seats" selection.
[V2-583] - iPoker Network > HUD : didn't always follow the movement of the table
[V2-586] - iPoker Network > Tournaments > Import : Some hands were not imported if a player could only bet the ante.


Version - april 8 - 2020

(People's Poker)

Evolutions :

[V2-506] - PokerStars : Showtime adaptation 
[V2-540] - Replayer: Added keys ▲ Previous action ▼ Next action
[V2-554] - Flag_ITALIA.png ( Italy ) People's Poker Network (MicroGame) : import integration (bêta version)
[V2-561] - Flag_ITALIA.png ( Italy ) People's Poker Network (MicroGame) : HUD integration (bêta version)
[V2-566] - PartyGaming > CashGame : Improved 1st buggy hand result

Ergonomics :

[V2-505] - Import > Import options... : New button "Reset hand history folders..."
[V2-540] - Replayer : Keyboard shortcuts work as soon as the replayer is opened. Shortcut indication in tooltip
[V2-562] - Help > DevTool : New "Export" button

Bugs :

[V2-388] - PartyGaming > Tournaments : Wrong gain when importing via HUD
[V2-498] - (pt-PT) ( Portugal ) 888poker > Tournaments : HUD display
[V2-519] - Hands > Evolution : Bug switches graphics NET-EV-SD-WSD
[V2-556] - Help > DevTool: Sometimes didn't work
[V2-564] - 888poker : Some tournaments summaries didn't show the final place
[V2-569] - Sessions/Hands > Evolution: Bug on first chart point resulted in wrong tooltips


Version - march 19 - 2020

Evolutions :

[V2-538] - Replayer : BB display

Ergonomics :

[V2-354] - Xeester menu : Sometimes moving would cause the menu and/or labels to disappear
[V2-503] - Replayer : Corrected Button Position

Bugs :

[V2-398] - Hands Module > Evolution : Clicking on the curve did not open the target hand
[V2-414] - PokerStars : Error file not moved
[V2-501] - ( Belgium ) iPoker Network > Ladbrokes > MTT : Taking into account buggy files
[V2-508] - (FR) ( France ) PartyGaming : Taking into account Specialty/Structure/Rake for SNG Jackpot FR
[V2-522] - Sessions > List : 'Last hand' display 0% chance
[V2-526] - PokerStars : Corrected CashGame CAP result
[V2-539] - Intervals 'Effective stack in bb' malfunctioned if 'Table Hands'
[V2-549] - Flag_ITALIA.png ( Italy ) iPoker Network > StanleyBet : import corrected
[V2-551] - iPoker Network :  Some action amounts were negative


Version - february 20 - 2020

Evolutions :

[V2-417] - New stats : Open Shove, Open Shove early, Open Shove late
[V2-511] - New stats  : Fold at Open Shove, Fold at Open Shove early, Fold at Open Shove late
[V2-515] - New stats  : Call at Open Shove, Call at Open Shove early, Call at Open Shove late
[V2-535] - New stats : Raise at Open Shove, Raise at Open Shove early, Raise at Open Shove late

Nota Bene : The new stats only work for imports since this version V2.17.4.0
If you want your older games to be taken into account, delete the sessions and import them again.

Ergonomics :

[V2-527] - Filters Menu : Display changed
[V2-536] - Sort statistics by abbreviation in Statistic chooser

Bugs :

[V2-528] - Correction of a translation FR


Version - decembre 20 - 2019

Evolutions :

[V2-504] - PokerStars : The HUD is now available on CashGame CAP
[V2-513] - PokerStars : Taking into account SAT Depositor Freeroll gains
[V2-518] - iPoker Network : William Hill Poker : MTT :  Automation format 8 max for a majority of regular tournaments
[V2-520] - Winamax/PokerStars : Processed : Improved summary import
[V2-523] - Winamax : Expresso W.SERIES : Automation of the Specialty SNG Jackpot
[V2-525] - iPoker Network : Betclic : Freeroll Twister : Automation of the Specialty SNG Jackpot, Structure Super Turbo, Number of players

Bugs :

[V2-502] - Correction of a translation ENGLISH version
[V2-524] - iPoker Network : Betclic : HUD : identify the tables no longer worked since the Betclic update


Version - July 16 - 2019

Evolutions :

[V2-492] - PartyGaming : MTT : Taking into account SAT gains
[V2-496] - Winamax : Expresso Nitro : Automatic Specialty
[V2-499] - iPoker Network : Betclic.FR : MTT : Fétiche : Automation format 8 max 
[V2-500] - PartyGaming (Italy) : Gioco : HUD display

Bugs :

[V2-348] - PartyGaming : Replayer does not start the last hand via Xeester menu
[V2-382] - Winamax : Gain counted twice if bugged history file


Version - June 07 - 2019

Evolutions :

[V2-487] - 888poker : Automation formats for all regular SNG
[V2-488] - 888poker : Automation structure for all regular tournaments Turbo 
[V2-491] - PartyGaming.EU : Take into account gain + rake for Quitte ou Double (Flash) 20€

Bugs :

[V2-484] - 888poker : Real Tournaments imported as FUN
[V2-485] - 888poker : Processed : Fixed the ranking errors per month
[V2-486] - 888poker : Processed : Fixed the presence in Error of the summary
[V2-489] - PokerStars : Fixed Automation of Structure Turbo
[V2-490] - Disabled editing of the HUD via the Xeester menu (Editing a HUD during the game could cause a malfunction)


Version - May 16 - 2019

Evolution :

[V2-480] - Addition of new ranges to filter by "Actual stack in bb" 

Bugs :

[V2-477] - Bug on Zones (actual stack)
[V2-478] - Bug on filter "X last hours"
[V2-481] - PMU : Happy Birthday Freeroll imported as FUN
[V2-483] - PokerStars : missing tournament name since update


Version - March 19 - 2019

Bugs :

[V2-467] - 888 poker : Freeroll imported as FUN
[V2-469] - 888 poker : no HUD on CashGame FLH 
[V2-470] - 888 poker : no HUD on new table design
[V2-475] - 888 poker : no HUD on CashGame PLO


Version - December 13 - 2018

Evolutions :

[V2-464] - (iPoker Network/ Automation format 8 max for MTT "500€ - MonsterStack"


[V2-442] - Fixed % Flop + Turn error
[V2-444] - Fixed % Turn + River error
[V2-445] - Fixed % Flop + Turn error
[V2-446] - Fixed % Turn error
[V2-450] - Fixed % Turn error for Hero
[V2-453] - Fixed % Flop + Turn + River error
[V2-458] - Fixed % Turn error
[V2-459] - HUD : "M" could have a live shift
[V2-461] - Fixed % Flop + Turn + River error


Version - October 25 - 2018

Evolutions :

[V2-418] - HUD : Added a Note icon
[V2-421] - HUD : Note window no longer disappears when changing/closing a table
[V2-426] - (iPoker Network / Automation format 8 max for MTT "Special One"
[V2-429] - Display of HUD list in alphabetical order



[V2-416] - HUD : Auto Summary on Labels: Closed Cards were invisible
[V2-423] - Fixed % Turn error
[V2-427] - Winamax gofast did not always work in countries with timezone different than UTC



[V2-412] - Glossary updated

Version - July 20 - 2018

Evolutions :

[V2-391] - Replayer : pseudo/stack/amount size optimized for the maximized window
[V2-392] - Replayer : New option to show/hide nicknames



[V2-383] - HUD : Data Filters : Hero : All Hands + Current Session is not working
[V2-393] - Opponents by Category, Info is not displayed


Version - June 28 - 2018

Evolutions :

[V2-362] - iPoker Network : Unibet.FR : SNG : Format/Structure/Entries automation for all SNG


Bugs :

[V2-352] - Winamax GoFast : Missing label sometimes


Version - June 17 - 2018

Evolutions :

[V2-361] - Winamax : Automatic Specialty "Double or Nothing Deglingos"
[V2-364] - iPoker Network : CashGame : Automatic detection of format improved
[V2-371] - Opponents : New filter "Variant"
[V2-381] - PokerStars : Spin&Goal Freeroll : taking into account Tickets

Bugs :

[V2-357] - Import "hands.txt" from PokerStars Support
[V2-386] - EURO Currency comes back everytime we start


Version - June 12 - 2018


[V2-356] - Improved import duration

Bugs :

[V2-350] - Stop HUD Freeze
[V2-365] - Overuse CPU when multitabling since V2.13.3.0


Version - June 3rd - 2018


[V2-355] - Processed automatically in the correct installation directory
[V2-360] - New HUD Options "Hide HUD menu"
[V2-369] - HUD : Free movement of labels and menu
[V2-375] - iPoker Network : Betclic/Unibet : Micro Series : Automatic Format Detection

Bugs :

[V2-330] - Titan/Winner Poker : No more HUD in CashGame since update
[V2-332] - PartyGaming : MTT "CASH BOOSTER" imported in CashGame
[V2-374] - Betclic : No more HUD since update


Version - Mai 3rd - 2018

Bugs :

[V2-347] - PartyGaming : Sessions/Hands Module > List : Table name was not displayed
[V2-348] - PartyGaming : Replayer did not show last hand via menu Xeester
[V2-349] - Winamax GoFast : HUD did not work


Version - Mai 1st - 2018

Evolutions :

[V2-239] - iPoker Network : Automation format 8 max for "Octogone"
[V2-268] - IPoker Network / Betclic / L'Aquarium : Specialty automation


Bugs :

[V2-188] - Replayer : Stat bb/100 EV did not display the correct result
[V2-239] - iPoker Network : Missing label on 8 max
[V2-346] - HUD restart does not work


Version - April 30 - 2018

Evolutions :

[V2-319] - New system for detecting and correcting corrupted software files

Bugs :

[V2-342] - Graphic : for performance reasons, highlights over 100 points are removed 
[V2-343] - Hands Module Filter : Effective stack in BB default was 25
[V2-344] - Import : Automatic detection of Winamax nicknames was not complete, and creation of a new option 'Automatically detect history folders' to optimize performance
[V2-345] - PartyGaming : Incorrect interpretation of stack amounts

Version - April 26 - 2018

Evolutions :

[V2-155] - iPoker Network : MTT Multi Entries Automation Format for: Omaha Star; Starting Block; One Time; Sunday One Time; Fétiche
[V2-196] - iPoker Network : Xeester is now compatible with the Italian Room
[V2-244] - HUD options : 'Do not open the Note via the HUD'
[V2-254] - HUD : Categorize the session via the Xeester Menu
[V2-256] - PokerStars language IT : Tournament Name = Window Name
[V2-258] - PartyGaming : Gain deduction SAT
[V2-270] - HUD : diplay priority of automatic summary below the menu
[V2-280] - Evolution graphs : Removed the tooltip and created a 'Details' zone
[V2-306] - PartyGaming : MTT Reentry deduction
[V2-313] - PartyGaming : Automation of SpotPoker/FastPoker/FastForward in FastFold Specialty
[V2-318] - iPoker Network : Taking into account the Addon for MTT rebuy
[V2-322] - Automatic summary Below the menu : Added positions
[V2-323] - Automatic summary Below the menu : Added "Infinite" option for display
[V2-325] - Winamax : Automation of MTT specialty KO
[V2-326] - Improved sites detections
[V2-336] - iPoker Network : Taking into account incomplete files following the "revenges" in Heads-Up
[V2-339] - PartyGaming : CashGame incognitos import
[V2-340] - Optimized links to the website


Bugs :

[V2-40] - Disabling a site could cause a malfunction
[V2-89] - Pokerstars : CashGame Limit was imported in No Limit
[V2-67] - Creating Empty HUD or Profile had unwanted filters
[V2-77] - PokerStars : Fixed the import for some re-entry
[V2-151] - IPoker Network : 'Finish' not taken into account in the tab 'Results'
[V2-163] - CashGame : Filter by Limit malfunctioned
[V2-288] - 50/50 equity cases were not well calculated
[V2-293] - The cases of Net EV TURN Showdown were not well calculated
[V2-300] - User created bookmark was malfunctioning
[V2-308] - List : Sort by : 'Net EV / EV Diff. / Vs Hero' malfunctioned
[V2-311] - Winamax : New Nickname was not detected in some cases
[V2-315] - iPoker Network : Temporary deactivation of the automatic format for MTT "Octogone"
[V2-317] - 'xeester.log' reactivated and archived in Xeester/logs/
[V2-320] - Graph by hands was causing a performance problem
[V2-321] - Replayer HUD is again independent of the table HUD
[V2-324] - Automatic summary : Removed display [Split pot]
[V2-327] - HUD options : "Active table only" malfunctioned
[V2-328] - 25BB stat bearing was not correctly displayed
[V2-329] - Backups displayed were not correct
[V2-332] - PartyGaming : MTT "CASH BOOSTER" imported in CashGame
[V2-333] - PartyGaming : "Birthday freeroll" gain not taken into account
[V2-335] - Unibet : Adaptation to non imported files
[V2-337] - Hands List : Antes were not displayed


Version - April 5 - 2018

Evolutions :

[V2-266]- IPoker Network / Betclic / L'Aquarium : Automation of Super Turbo structure for "Aquarium", "InstaSat" and "Aqua'deau"
[V2-267]- IPoker Network / Betclic / L'Aquarium : Automation of format for "Aquarium", "InstaSat" and "Aqua'deau"
[V2-305]- Sessions/Hands Modules > List : Tooltip on Note icon displays the contents of the Note. Replayer : Added "Save" and "Cancel" buttons to avoid erasing a note by accident
[V2-312]- Opponents Module : Edit the Note directly by clicking on it. Opponent Note : Added "Save" and "Cancel" buttons to avoid erasing a note by accident


[V2-190]- PartyGaming : SNG Jackpot : Considered HU if the tournament ended on the 1st hand
[V2-197]- Pop-up / Hand list > Replayer was showing another hand in LIVE
[V2-211]- Multi Screen : In a certain configuration, moving the HUD Menu to secondary screen was impossible
[V2-263]- Replayer : HUD was not visible at first opening
[V2-276]- For large databases, opening repeatedly the replayer resulted in memory overload
[V2-281]- The manual import window could be oversized
[V2-298]- Winamax : GoFast : HUD Options : "Do not display the HUD for the Hero" did not work
[V2-301]- HUD : The labels were moving alone
[V2-302]- HUD Options : Uncheck "Synchronize labels" did not work
[V2-303]- PokerStars : Import : The logs sent by the room were not imported
[V2-304]- HUD : menu actions were triggered after the menu was moved
[V2-307]- Hand Module > List : Sometimes the replayer did not show the requested hand


Version - March 30 - 2018

Bugs :

[V2-274]- Winamax : GoFast : HUD did not update in real time
[V2-289]- Filter : Adding a "Name" was not considered as a change
[V2-296]- PartyGaming : CashGame : bugged hand histories are now managed
[V2-297]- Import : Slow imports when an error occured


Version - March 14 - 2018

Evolutions :

[V2-272]- Creation of the "xeester.log" file in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Xeester directory to identify malfunctions
[V2-273]- Added "DevTool" accessible from "Help" to identify malfunctions


Bugs :

[V2-269]- The HUD no longer appeared on tables already played in the same day
[V2-278]- The HUD showed 1 extra hand for Villain


Version - March 8 - 2018

Evolutions :

[V2-176]- Added the "Ultra thin" size for categorization
[V2-180]- Added the "%" column to evaluate the distribution (Tournament > Sessions > Results)
[V2-207]- PartyGaming : MTT taking into account Reentry
[V2-208]- Winamax : Automation of Super Turbo structure for "Deglingos"
[V2-220]- PartyGaming : Automation of Super Turbo structure for "Hyper Turbo"
[V2-227]- Addition of new ranges to filter by "Actual stack in bb"
[V2-239]- iPoker Network : Automation of the 8-handed format for the "Octogone" tournament


Bugs :

[V2-113]- M fixed in the replayer
[V2-119]- Hands Module > List : Fixed "% chance" column that sometimes displayed wrong %
[V2-141]- Replayer HUD Hero : Showing 1 hand in advance
[V2-142]- The HUD pop-up sometimes did not load up
[V2-158]- Tooltip appeared on the main screen and not on the screen that contained the table
[V2-179]- Right click on HUD stat > Did not return to stat Profile if was an empty box 
[V2-184]- Automatic summary : Correction of displayed %
[V2-195]- Tournament > Sessions > Results > Group by week malfunctioned
[V2-201]- Tournament > Sessions > List : Last hand sometimes displayed -1%
[V2-202]- Winamax : Some Reentry was not well taken into account
[V2-209]- Some HUD Options Reset (Summary display, Size of the tooltips)
[V2-226]- PartyGaming : "Mobile freeroll" was not imported
[V2-236]- Replayer : Autoplay no longer works from a moment
[V2-247]- Fixed Net EV Tooltip (Summary Area)
[V2-252]- PartyGaming : Heads-up Rakes (Hyper Turbo) fixed
[V2-253]- PokerStars.PT : Automatic detection of historical files did not work
[V2-257]- Winamax : Some erroneous files resulted in non-existent rebuy
[V2-259]- Replayer HUD : Sometimes no labels appeared
[V2-260]- Xeester in Italien : Bad interpretation of the amount of stacks
[V2-262]- Correction of "W" stat


Version - February 20 - 2018

Bugs :

[V2-175]- PartyGaming: new rake for: 4 handed--DON(Flash) 3€ ; 4 handed--DON(Flash) 5€ ; 4 handed--DON(hyper turbo) 5€ ; 4 handed--DON(Flash) 10€ ; 6 handed--DON(hyper turbo) 20€
[V2-210]- Stat DCBt(r) = DCBipt(r) + DCBoopy(r) fixed
[V2-221]- Updated list of networks/rooms
[V2-232]- Winamax: Omaha HIGH LOW files moved to "Sessions not managed"
[V2-234]- PokerStars and Winamax "summary" are now copied in Xeester\processed
[V2-249]- Xeester often failed to deconnect from server


Version - February 8 - 2018


[V2-212]- Flag_ITALIA.png Xeester is now available in italian Flag_ITALIA.png

Bugs :

[V2-199]- Fixed stats names for: !Lt(ci) ; !Lt(ci3). Fixed stats descriptions for: DK/3Br(co) ; DK/Cr(co) ; DK/Fr(co) ; DK/3Br(co3) ; DK/Cr(co3) ; DK/Fr(co3)
[V2-241]- PokerStars: the HUD didn't appear on tables "Réservé aux joueurs .FR"
[V2-248]- Some link updates
[V2-249]- Xeester often failed to deconnect from server


Version - November 8 - 2017


[V2-172]- PartyGaming: 7% rake automation for SNG Jackpot
[V2-181]- Improved Net EV calculation
[V2-183]- Possibility to enlarge the size of the tooltips
[V2-187]- Ability to Lock HUD Labels and Menu
[V2-193]- Improvement of the authentication system in the event of a server problem
[V2-194]- Creation of an OPEN CHIPS mode allowing access to the HIGH GAMES license per promotion periods
[V2-204]- PartyGaming: MTT Deepstack Automation of the Structure
[V2-205]- PartyGaming: MTT Turbo Automation of the Structure



[V2-126]- Net EV correction in all-in Turn cases
[V2-143]- Fixed some PreFlop stats that were malfunctioning in some cases: (STL - 3Be - 3Bs - SQZ - 2CR - CRe - CRs - 2CR - FRe - f@STL)
[V2-191]- PokerStars: Taking into account Re-entries and Automation of the Specialty
[V2-192]- PokerStars: Taking into account Re-buys + Add-on and Automation of the Specialty


Version - September 28 - 2017

Bugs :

[V2-150] - IPoker Network Tournaments: There was a malfunction of the HUD with the appearance of double labels
[V2-170] - IPoker Network CashGame: There was a malfunction of the current sessions import. We took advantage of this to improve the automatic detection of the number of seats on certain tables of NLHE
[V2-171] - There was a problem in CashGame> Sessions> List> Edit Specialty


[V2-168] - Adding server status to the login page + link to the status page :

Version - September 18 - 2017


[V2-1]- The HUD is now available for 888 Network
[V2-108]- The HUD is now available for GoFast (FastFold CashGame Winamax)
[V2-156]- iPoker Network: Tables are now identified and the HUD is automatically placed on the right table

Bugs :

[V2-137]- Winamax DON weren't automatically imported in Speciality "Double or Nothing"
[V2-146]- Correction of date issue(Sessions > Results > Group by: Day)
[V2-157]- iPoker Network: There was a problem of HU import (place + gain)

Version - August 1 - 2017


- [V2-132] - iPoker Network: All SNG formats are recognized (no more choice of the number of seats)
- [V2-139] - iPoker Network: CashGame rake Correction
- [V2-147] - iPoker Network: HUD available on some Twister which were problematic. Note that imports from HUD are copied into Xeester\processed\Room\...\Nickname and no more in parent folder
- [V2-148] - iPoker Network: HUD is automatically placed on the correct Twister tables and on some other tournament formats
- [V2-153] - Added fonts 5 and 6 to customize the HUD

Version - July 13 - 2017


- [V2-128] - Sessions List (Tournaments) : new filter by prizepool - Sessions Results : new grouping by prizepool 


- [V2-32] - Incorrect position of stack's label on the replayer for 8 handed sessions
- [V2-135] - Hero filter "Table hands" was sometimes not taken into account
- [V2-136] - Using the Specialty filter was giving wrong result

Version - June 22 - 2017


- [V2-91]- Fail on import action of a hand
- [V2-112]- New rakes Double or Nothing PartyGaming
- [V2-101]- Winamax Final Table 7/9 players on 6 max/8 max - Missing Label
- [V2-125]- iPoker Network Correction
- [V2-129]- CashGame hands set as Freezout on import

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